13. Hogwars Express

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Barbara and James woke up early on September first. They were bother discussing over breakfast if Professor Dumbledore would remember them. Fleamont and Euphemia assured them that he never forgets a face, which calmed the duo's nerves.

The twins were dressed in their muggle clothes, James in jeans and a Beatles t-shirt while Barbara was in a long-sleeved, red t-shirt and jeans. She never really wore shorts or short sleeves after the "Childhood Incident." Unfortunately, they never found the man that hurt her; and they probably never would.

After a healthy breakfast and the House Elves tearfully saying goodbye to the Potter twins, the four Potters went to King's Cross Station where the magical journey begins.

Barbara was not bringing Blazer, as he was too much of a risk while walking through the crowds of Muggles. He also wouldn't have enjoyed spending time with a bunch of owls.

"Mum, how do we get to the train? I don't see any 'quarter' stations," Barbara asked, slightly confused. James and their parents just smirked. They never told her how to get on the train because they wanted to surprise her.

"Barbara, do you trust us?" Mr. Potter asked, Barbara nodded immediately.

The trio smiled at Barbara, and James started running into a barrier. "JAMES!" Barbara yelled, causing a few people stare at her. The minute Barbara looked back at the barrier, her eyes were as wide as a quaffle.

"Wha-but-how?" Barbara stuttered, guffawed with how her brother disappeared.

"We need to run into the barrier, Pumpkin," Mr. Potter said using his favorite nickname for his daughter.


"Together," Euphemia said to Barbara, after Mr. Potter went through the barrier. Together, mother and daughter, they went through the barrier.

As soon as Barbara entered, she made sure her guard was up. There were hundreds of wizards and witches. Barbara caught up with James after staring at everyone and everything for a few good minutes. She was absolutely baffled with how magic could do nearly anything.


"I'll miss you, Barbara," Mrs. Potter said, tears threatening to fall as she squished her daughter, "I love you."

"I love you too, Mum." Barbara said. She didn't cry, though, not even a tear brimming her eyes. Barbara knew she would see her family during the break and wasn't worried about them at all. They may be older but they were still kicking.

After being released from her mother's death grip, she went to her dad.

"I'll miss you, Daddy, I promise I'll write to you and Mum at least two times a week," Barbara said. Her dad just nodded, and hugged her. They stayed like that until the train was blowing the final whistle.

Barbara climbed on the train with her brother, their bags already loaded onto the train because of some nice Prefects.

After James dragged Hercules to the last section of the train, they finally found a compartment that was empty. They settled down, and Barbara pulled the cloth off of Hercules's cage. He was sleeping.

Barbara dozed off after about ten minutes on the train. Meanwhile, James was talking to a kid that just entered their compartment, named Sirius Black. Another kid with a bunch of scars then came in, and the three became the closest friends. After about two hours of talking, and making an enemy named 'Severus Snape', James decided it was time to wake Barbara.

"Hey, Barbara, wake up. You have to change into your robes," James said, poking her lightly on the shoulder. Barbara lazily lifted herself from her comfortable position and noticed the two strangers. She tensed at the sight of the two of them, not knowing how to react.

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