6. Plans

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The next day, when Fleamont Potter returned to St. Mungo's, he was redirected to a small office off the main hall. He was confused at first, until he registered that it was the main Healer's office, the one who was in charge of Barbara's cleanse just the other day.

"Hello, Mr. Potter. Please take a seat." He obliged.

"I would like to discuss your daughter's mentality before we discuss her being a Vampire if you don't mind," Fleamont shook his head, "As you know, she has just been here for a week now and she's showing a drastic change in improvement."

"So will she be able to meet her mother and brother before I have to bring them here?" Mr. Potter asked. The Healer shook his head.

"I'm afraid not, Mr. Potter, which is why I pulled you aside. You see, her mentality, though it has improved greatly, is still extremely fragile. It is my duty as the Head Healer in this ward to make sure all of the Wizards, Witches, and other beings are well taken care of and can comfortably live in both the Muggle and Wizard World. Young Miss Potter will need to be in the care of the hospital for a longer period of time. If she improves within the next week more than she has this first week then I will gladly allow you to take her back to your home."

"What if she doesn't improve as well," Mr. Potter's tone showed his worry, "how long will she be here? When can I introduce her to her mother and brother instead of telling them about her?"

The Healer rubbed the back of his neck. "That's the unfortunate part, Mr. Potter. If she does not improve within the next week, I think that she should be transported to the Vampire hospital in their realm, The Fondrés Institute of Health and Healing, until she is completely healthy mentally and physically."

Mr. Potter was speechless. He knew how serious his daughter's condition was but he didn't realize that it was serious enough for her to have to possibility to be transported to the Vampire Realm.

"Now, the other issue that you pointed out is when she will be allowed to meet her brother and mother. I think that she will be able to next week if she improves. However, if she doesn't, I would wait a few months so she can be adjusted to living in the Institute." Silence fell in the small office as Mr. Potter took in the news of his family not reuniting.

"Well, can you at least tell me what your plans are with my daughter for this week?"

"Well," the Healer began, "Angel is in charge with taking care of Barbara henceforth. She has been teaching your daughter about the history of Vampires and the royal throne. Today, she told me she would begin to explain the magic Vampires possess. It's critical that she knows all about Vampires and then learns all about being a Witch, since she is one."

"How do you know she isn't a Squib?"

"She..." the Healer hesitated, "She explained a beating she received when she was younger when her first sign of magic appeared."


"Alright! Well this was a nice chat, Mr. Potter; but I really must get back to work. There's a patient who had decided to try... um... using her wand in more ways than one. And it– uh– it seems to have decided to literally backfired on her."

"O-Oh my!" Mr. Potter exclaimed, realizing what the Healer meant. The exchanged goodbyes and the Healer walked Mr. Potter to the front of St. Mungo's

He pointed at a rack of small booklets and told Mr. Potter to grab one by the title: So, your child was bitten by a Vampire?

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