8.1 Entering the Realm

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Angel was pleased to see the little girl she had only met last week bursting with joy to see the Queen of the Vampire Realm. In the hopes of not attracting attention from Muggles because they were to walk through crowded Muggle streets, Angel had brought Barbara some Muggle clothing. Upon Barbara's request when the Healer asked what she wanted to wear, the little Vampire was brought denim jeans, a pink shirt, and Muggle "Vans."

Barbara greeted her caretaker cheerfully and was quick to change into the clothes gathered for her, so eager to learn about the other side to her that she didn't realize she had put her shirt on inside out. However, when Angel pointed it out in a fit of giggles, Barbara blushed and fixed it quickly and carefully.

"Okay! Now I'm ready!"

Angel took her past all of the Healers, leading her to the front door of the place that had quickly become her safe haven. Barbara glanced around as she continued to walk a little behind Angel and quickly took notice that the Healers were staring right back at her with curious and incredulous expressions, which made her a bit uncomfortable.

She walked a bit faster.

Once out of the hospital, Barbara turned all around her, taking in the view of the outside world, one she had never seen before, Muggle or Wizard. She noticed that they looked like they were in a dodgy and sketchy looking place, but Angel reminded her that they needed to be perfectly concealed from the Muggles.

Her friend had lead her to the other side of the building in a small, smelly alleyway that reminded Barbara greatly of her attic's smell; and she scrunched her nose up in disgust.

"Angel, why are we walking down this anyway, planning to kill me and have no witnesses?" Barbara asked in a half joking, half serious tone.

Angel chuckled. "No, this is how you enter the Realm, Barbara." She stopped abruptly in front of the dead end's wall, causing Barbara to knock into her.

"Oops. Your fault." Barbara remarked as Angel yelped at the collision.

"My fault?!"

"You stopped without letting me know you were going to stop."

"Cheeky little thing you are, Miss." Barbara grinned as a reply. Angel was secretly please with Barbara's progress.

"Anyway, I stopped because this is the entrance. Now watch me carefully."

Graciously, Angel revealed her oversized wings as they drifted to their full height. The bat-like wings spread across the large wall and stopped as soon as a clicking noise could have been heard. Barbara's eyes widened as Angel's eyes took their Pigment– her eyes a lilac color– and as the wall began to outline her wings in gold.

When the two golden lines that had been outlining Angel's wings met, they flashed a bright white and suddenly the golden outline of the wings had turned into an unmistakable white. Barbara stepped closer to the wall, completely mesmerized, as Angel took a step back to watch the wall with an apprehensive, yet pleased, look.

"What happens now?" Barbara asked, now becoming impatient. She really wanted to venture into the Realm.

Angel chuckled, and walked closer to the outline of her wings, which were still unconcealed by the magic they possessed against detection. She, very lightly, tapped one of the bricks in the outline; and it gave a jolt back into the wall.

Barbara watched in amazement as the outline of each wing separated itself to form a high and wide arch into a busy, cheerful looking marketplace. Angel put her hand on Barbara's shoulder and guided her into it, a smile on her lips as she watched the child who had suffered so much smile as wide as she did when she found out she had a family.

The little girl was finally at a place she could call home.

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