Ch. 7

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*P.O.V Raven*

Fighting with a dangerous criminal in a collapsing skyscraper is not fun. Or healthy. Or safe.

"Azarath Metrion Zinthos!" I sent another wave of debris flying at Terra. She, in return, sent a few boulders at me.

Metal creaked and groaned while we fought. I dodged some rocks and flew straight towards her. When she was right in front of me, I teleported right behind her and knocked her out. The building shrieked and started to fall. I looked at Terra with disgust. I had two choices. I could either through her off/leave her on the tower, or I could save her traitorous butt. I thought of Beast Boy, how he would react to Terra being dead. Not well. I grabbed Terra and flew out of tower. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Starfire and several other Titans lifting up the top of the tower. As I made my way towards Titans Tower. What now. Will Terra go to jail. To easy to escape. Maybe... I considered the other option. She wouldn't be haunted, or even think of, Slade. I shook my head. Not know, I'll talk to the others later.

*P.O.V. Beast Boy*

I gritted my teeth. I lost him. Then I saw the tower Raven and Terra were in start to fall. Shit. I shifted and flew towards the building. Then I saw a dark figure flying out, heading towards the Titans Tower. I couldn't tell of it was Terra or Raven. I wondered who I wanted it to be. Terra was my best friend, but Raven... I shook my head, and flew towards the Titans Tower. Raven was more than a friend. I needed her. A lot. If Terra died I would drown in grief and go through the stages of that stuff, but I would survive. If Raven died. I would to. I know this sounds sappy, but there would be no point in living. I frowned and flew through a window into the Tower. And saw Raven with Terra.

"Beast Boy, we need to talk."

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