Chapter 9- Part 2: "Call It What You Want"

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All my flowers grew back as thorns

Windows boarded up after the storm

He built a fire just to keep me warm

All the drama queens taking swings

All the jokers dressin' up as kings

They fade to nothing when I look at him


(Flashback to August 5th, 2000)

"I still can't believe, I got signed to Maverick, it's like a dream!" Michelle says, her face beaming with such happiness.

Taylor smiles at her knowing exactly how she feels at this moment.

"Well, it is a dream, only thing is that this dream has come true."

"Yeah, it has."

(Smiles are exchanged between them)

"Is this how you and your brothers felt when you guys first got signed to Mercury Records?" she asks him.

"Yeah, I'll never forget that day, we were so stoked about finally being signed to a record company, after years of performing and working our tails off. There was such a rush of emotions that day that all I can remember feeling in that moment was euphoria because it was like a dream coming true, and that's how it has been ever since."

"Well, it seems like our musical dreams have and are coming true, it's unbelievable, because it's so hard to make it in this industry, you know?"

"Yeah, don't you and I know it! The key thing to remember, is just focus on the music, because, that's what going keep you going and also keep your sanity in check too." Taylor jokingly states.

(Michelle and Taylor start laughing slightly at his last remark)

"I'll keep that in mind..." she says.

After a bit, it gets quiet which makes Michelle feel a little uncomfortable, because she knows that the feelings that she has experienced during her close encounters with Taylor are resurfacing again.

Taylor feels the same feelings too, and decides to bring up the encounter that they shared earlier tonight, before he loses his nerve to do so.

"Michelle, we need to talk about what happened earlier tonight..."

Michelle shifts around nervously in her spot, because she knows where this is going and, frankly, she is nervous to hear whatever Taylor is about to say to her. So, she tries her best to brush it off.

"Talk about? We just ran into each other, I mean it's no big deal..." she says awkwardly, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear once again.

Taylor notices that she does that whenever she gets nervous or flushed.

"Yeah, it is. Look, I...I felt something, when I was holding you in my arms, and I know you felt something too. I saw in your eyes."

Michelle now feels uncomfortable and scared because Taylor can see right through her and is able to read her like no other guy has been able to. She knows she owes it to him, and herself, to be brave and face these feelings, but she can't because she is terrified. She has never felt such an attraction to a guy like she feels towards Taylor. To avoid talking about this matter any further, Michelle gets up quickly and makes the excuse she is tired and is going to bed.

"You know, I'm feeling a bit tired, so I think it's in my best interest to go to bed." Michelle rambled on as she heads towards the door that leads to the bunks.

Are You Happy Now? - Part 2 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now