He Ran

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here's the rewritten part. also some spoilers at the end


  I let out an out of breath grunt, running as fast as I could through the trees. I heard the footsteps behind me, the crunching of the leaves as they followed me. "Dumb idea, Bailey!" A voice yelled out and I bit my lip hard, swiftly turning a corner and starting to climb up a large tree. I was out, trying to gather food for Vincent. I merely brought a stone sword, as I wasn't expecting to run into anyone but cows and pigs.

However, I accidentally stumbled upon the blue base and well, they thought I was trying to attack it. "I never planned on attacking! It was an accident!" I yelled back at them, keeping my eyes forward. I wonder if they could tell by my tone, how shaken and afraid I was. I was the youngest out of our group, after Theo. But, now that Theo was no longer with us, it was me.

Here I was, a nineteen year old being chased down. By people who have a thing for killing kids.

"Like we care." Another voice called out and I squeaked, feeling as if I was done for. An arrow shot passed me and my face turned pale, even though I was already a pale person. That could've hit my head. I jumped down to another tree and kept jumping to and from trees. I could see people running under me as well, in case I fell or jumped down. Five of them were here. It was mental.

I knew I had to face them. I quickly turned around and pulled out my weak sword. The two following me paused, Miles looking as if he was going to laugh at my sword. He had a diamond sword, naturally. The other, Noah, had his weapon on his back. My hands shook as Miles actually let out a laugh at me. "What is your deal, Bailey? You run and then decide to fight?" He asked with a grin and I clenched my teeth together, not wanting them to know I was terrified.

"Please just.. just go! I didn't mean to attack your base! It was an accident, I was just looking for food! Hence my sword.." I said in a weak tone. So much for trying to act tough, I was too scared to even attempt to run anymore. So instead, I backed up a bit. They just stepped closer with every step I took back. They weren't letting me go. I wish Noah was someone else. Noah was extremely tricky to predict. "Well, alright." Noah said with a hum and Miles glanced at him before putting his sword back.

"R-Really? Thank you.." I said and couldn't stop myself from smiling at them. "Sure, you didn't mean to. Here, for your troubles." Noah said kindly and tossed me some steak in a bag. I stepped forward and leaned down to grab it. I froze up as I heard a sudden hissing noise. "Have fun." Noah said and I quickly looked up, an explosive right in my face. Panic flushed over me as I quickly stood up, turning around and trying to run away. Alas, I couldn't fully get away.

I got hit with the edge of the blast and it knocked me over, causing me to fall off the tree top. I was in slight pain but had no time to react to it. I quickly reached out and snagged my hand on a thick branch. I was freaking out and went to wrap my other arm around it, to pull myself up. My plans were cut off when a hand gripped onto my ankle, yanking me towards the ground. I had no choice but to let go of the branch, my back hitting the ground hard.

Pain shot through me and I shut my eyes tightly, letting out a low groan. My sword fell out of my hand, which was just great. I was unarmed and outnumbered. In a weak attempt, I tried to reach where I think my sword landed. My hand was kicked my a boot and I winced, retracting my arm and keeping it close to my side. I heard the other two run up, knowing all five of them were surrounding me.

I laid there for a moment, motionless. I knew I was fucked. "Open your eyes." He ordered me and I winced slightly, slowly opening them and sitting up slightly. Sure enough, I was surrounded. I glanced around slightly. Noah and Miles were at my back, both not having their weapons drawn. To my left, Sage stood there. He seemed emotionless and was barely looking at me, holding a potion of harming tightly in his hand. To my right, Felix had his bow drawn at me. Looking ready to fire at any second.

Then, Xavier. He had a bow on his back and a sword in his hand, pointing straight at my face. Both were enchanted with who knows how many good things. Xavier looked amused, almost. Was me being fucking terrified funny to him? None of them said anything, so I spoke first. "L-Look.. I didn't mean to attack your base! If I did, I would have more p-people and a stronger weapon. It w-was an accident. I was looking for good and got lost.. I swear, I'm sorry.." I couldn't help but stutter a bit, my limps shaking ever so slightly.

I knew they could kill me easily. They knew that too. "And what if you're lying?!" Felix snapped and I flinched, images of the old times him and I had together flashing through my mind. "Lower your weapons." Xavier ordered and Felix sighed a bit, doing so. Hope rushed over me. He was taking pity. "Sage. Rope." He said and all my hope drained in an instant. I tried backing up, my back just hitting Noah's legs. Sage grabbed a rope and kneeled down, tying my arms back.

"N-No, please.." I whispered as I was picked up and thrown over someone's shoulder. I was ignored as they started heading back to their base. I was freaking out as I squirmed a bit, not knowing what they were going to do to me. Once we had arrived, I was dropped onto the floor of their base. The other three had joined them, which resulted in me being surrounded by all of blue team. Needless to say, I was freaking out a lot.

I started breathing heavily, my whole body shaking. Pretty soon, I was having a full blown panic attack. And they didn't seem to care. Well, until I started to get teary eyed. Sage kneeled down, seeming to be the only one that still had a heart. "Hey, calm down. You aren't going to die." Sage said gently and I started to sob, shaking and nodding my head. I couldn't calm myself down, that felt impossible at the moment. I kept nodding, not being able to speak. Rob stood back up and glanced at Xavier.

"You'll be used as a bribe. If your team wants you back safe and unharmed, they'll give us something. If not.. Well, I'm sure you know what'll happen." Xavier said with a grin and I stiffened, tears rolling down my cheeks as I nodded. Xavier looked at the others and ordered them to take care of me. With that, he walked off. Sage seemed to hesitate, glancing at the others before walking after Xavier.

I watched them walk off until they were completely out of sight. Once they were gone, I felt a swift kick to my back. I groaned softly and fell forward onto my chest, knowing that I would be harmed and that 'unharmed' part was bullshit. I wish Sage had stopped this all. He seemed as if he wanted to.


"Xavier. We should just let him go." I said with a sigh and Xavier shook his head, walking into our shared house. "Xavier, he's just a kid." I argued and Xavier looked at me, dead in the eyes. "So was Theo." My body froze up and I looked away. Red team blames Felix for killing Theo. But it was me. I did it. And I regret it. Every second I'm alive, I'm thinking about it.

"I know. I wish I'd never done it!" I protested and Xavier grabbed a piece of paper. "But you did do it." He said before walking off, starting to write his letter to Levi. I sighed softly and stayed where I was, the guilt eating me alive. Nothing would be the same anymore. 


and what happened after that one


  It was extremely tense around red base, ever since Bails was taken by blue team. Levi was extremely stressed out. When the letter had arrived, Levi looked pissed. Rightfully so, too. Levi quickly got whatever Xavier had asked for and sent it to them. That was three days ago.

I stood in the kitchen, quietly doing dishes. Everyone was on edge. I heard a knock at the door and I slowly walked over, drying my hands off on my pants. I opened the door and was confused, as no one stood there. As my eyes travelled down, I let out a gasp. On our porch step, was a body. The body had a bag over its head. I knew who it was.

"Bails!" I loudly gasped and picked him up, quickly bringing him over to the couch. The others must have heard my gasp, as I could hear them come running. I sat Bailey down and quickly took off he bag. "Bailey, I-" I trailed off as I saw how he looked. He had a black eye and a deep cut on his lip. His hair was messy and his eyes red, as if he'd been crying for hours. At the sight of me, he hiccuped and began to sob.

I looked at Jackson and told him to get a first aid kit. Jackson nodded and quickly went off. "Are you hurt?" I asked Bailey and he shook his head a bit. "O-Only a bit.. N-Not that much.." He whispered and I bit my lip, slowly pulling off Bailey's jacket. His arms were covered in bruises, as was his neck. It was heartbreaking just to see him like this. "What did they do to you?" I asked him seriously and he sniffed, wiping his eyes.

"N-Not much.." he mumbled and I huffed a bit. "Clearly they hurt you!" I argued and Bailey nodded, Jackson placing the first aid kit next to me. "I-I barely saw Xavier and Sage the whole time.. it was the others that hurt me.. Xavier's orders were just to keep me alive and don't break anything.." Bailey admitted as I opened up the kit, grabbing some bandages and cloths. "That's fucked up." I mumbled quietly and Bailey nodded a bit.

"But I'm alive. And that's all that matters." He added and I smiled a bit, nodding in agreement. Apparently, not all of us agreed with it. Levi suddenly stormed off and Asher let out a sigh, quickly following after Levi. "Oh boy.." Harper mumbled with a sigh.


"Levi." I said as I followed him underground into our training area. I let out a squeak as Levi suddenly punched the wall, swearing as pain shot through him. I quickly grabbed his hand and sighed. "Levi, don't." I whispered and he let out an annoyed huff. "They could've killed him!" He whispered back and I gently grabbed his far. "But they didn't!" I shot back and he pushed me away.

"They said he'd be unharmed. He's not fucking unharmed! Is that their definition of unharmed?!" Levi said and kicked a punching dummy we had set up. "Levi!" I said and pulled him away from it, not wanting him to overwork. "This is not okay!" Levi said and I nodded, agreeing with him. "I'm aware! But we should be thankful that they didn't kill him." I said and Levi groaned, turning around.

"Xavier probably wanted him dead, the bastard." Levi growled and I sighed softly. I turned Levi back around and he seemed annoyed. "What?!" He asked and I grabbed both sides of his face, pulling him down and gently kissing him. He seemed caught off guard by that but kissed back, sharing this short moment with me. I pulled away and rested my head on his chest. "I know things will never be the same.. but god damn it, I want you to be the same.." I whispered and Levi let out a sigh.

"We need to survive, and we need to find the killer. For Theo.. for Val.. Even for Taylor.." I whispered and Levi tensed up, wrapping his arms around me and sighing softly. "Yeah.. I know that.." 

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