The Lord Falls and Running

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this was a concept on how Bailey, finds the lord, Val, dead. this changed a lot too


  A year ago. It all started, a year ago. I sighed softly as I made my way through the jungle, my mind a mess of thoughts. So many things have happened since that day. The day our king had been killed. And I was the one who found him.

I strolled over to his home, knocking softly on the door. No reply. I stood there, a dumbfounded look on my face. The king, Val, was always here. Besides, he was the one who told me to come over! I knocked once again, just being greeted with silence again. I sighed, becoming slightly annoyed. I pushed open the door, giving up on him coming to answer it. "Val!" I called out, groaning as I got no reply.

"You lazy shit.." I murmured bitterly and walked over to the stairs, gripping onto the railing and walking up the stairs. As I arrived to the top, I looked around. I saw Val's room and decdied to check there, it being the most likely place he would be. I chuckled to myself and started walking over to the door, grabbing the handle and twisting it open. "Val! Come on, you invite me over, yet.." My words trailed off, as I saw the sight in front of me.

My eyes widened in pure horror as I saw Val, on the floor. A sword pireced deep into his chest. I gasped and kneeled down, being an idiot and checking his pulse. When there was no beat, my heart dropped. "No.." I gasped out and gripped onto his arms, tears threatning to escape my eyes. I looked around the room, which had a lot of things knocked over. I sniffed and stood up, noticing a note attached to the sword. I hesitated before grabbing it, starting to read the note.

"Dear, whoever may be reading this. I see you've found him, hm? Do you like my 'prank?' Quite clever, if I do say so myself. I shall not give you any hints as to who I am. Or, am I? ~The New King."

I stared at the note before darting out of the room, knowing I had to tell everyone.

I frowned at the memory and kept walking, pushing away some vines. That was a year ago today. Now? Now, everyone turned against each other. We still have no idea who killed him, but I'm going to find out.


and now... the og one shot. this one has been re written, and i wanna rewrite it AGAIN, but you know


I grunted under my breath as I ran through the forest, finding a tree and quickly climbing up it. "Bad idea, red! You should never attack our base alone." The voice called out and I sighed under my breath, climbing higher up. I hadn't planned on attacking their base. It just, sorta happened. "I didn't plan on doing it!" I called back down, my voice sounding slightly desperate. I was out numbered. By, a lot. "Too bad." Another voice called and I let out a squeak as a sudden arrow pierced the wood next to him. I quickly climbed to the top of the tree and jumped down to another tree, landing on top of it. I kept doing that. Footsteps underneath me and footsteps following me, we're all I could hear.

I cursed under my breath and grabbed my sword from my belt, whipping around. The two people following him stopped and one of them laughed. "What's your deal, red?" The male asked with a grin, which caused me to grit my teeth. Miles and Noah. "Just go, I didn't mean to attack your base. It was all an accident." I said slowly and started backing up, knowing Noah had tricks up his sleeve. I kept backing up, Miles and Noah just moving forward with every step I took. Miles had his diamond sword pointed towards me, while Noah still had his in his belt. That made me be on edge. "Fine," Noah said and Miles seemed surprised, letting his sword drop. "Really?" I asked him, biting my lip to hide my smile.

"Sure. Have fun." Noah said and reached out for his belt, grabbing a redstone torch. Confusion spread across my face, but it quickly went away as Noah then pulled out a piece of TNT. He quickly threw them both onto the tree top, kicking the TNT over to me after it was lit. I panicked and quickly jumped off of the top, the blast still hitting me and causing me to miss the tree top. I grunted and fell for a short while, reaching out and grabbing a tree branch. I tried pulling myself up onto it, letting out a gasp as someone grabbed onto my foot and yanked me down. I let go of the branch and closed my eyes tightly, letting out a groan as my back hit the grass. It caused me to drop my sword as well. Which I quickly tried to reach for, though my eyes were still closed, but it was just kicked away.

Footsteps got closer and I knew I was surrounded. I didn't want to open my eyes, nor try and move. "Open your eyes." A voice said and I sighed, slowly opening them. Sure enough, all five of them surrounded me. Noah and Miles got down here quick. Miles had his sword resting over his shoulder, while Noah held onto a redstone torch with a mischievous look on his face. Felix had his bow drawn back and had it pointed at me, which caused me to panic more. Sage had his sword out but had it pointed towards the ground. Then, you get the leader of it all. Xavier. He had his sword pointing towards me and his bow on his back. He had an emotionless look on his face.

"Look, I didn't intend on attacking your base. I was lost and stumbled upon it. I'm sorry." I quickly said, knowing they could easily kill me. Xavier raised an eyebrow and moved his sword, it now being held against my neck. "Repeat that." He ordered and I gulped. "I didn't intend on-" I let out a squeak as he stepped on my foot hard, rolling his eyes. "Just the last part." He said and I nodded slowly, gulping once again. "I'm sorry!" I repeated and Xavier moved the sword away, putting it on his belt. The others followed his movements and put away their own weapons. "We'll let you go. Just this one time." Xavier said and reached down, grabbing my hand.

Sage picked up my sword and handed it to me, which caused me to nod and quickly thank them. "Thank you. I'm sorry for causing a stir." I quickly said and Xavier just chuckled, starting to walk off. The others followed and I watched them leave, my heart pounding quickly. 

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