Children Are Precious

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Meliodas could feel tears falling down his face as screams that hunted him continued to ring in his ears. He wished that his father and brothers were there. Somebody picked him up. It was Howser. He rocked Meliodas for a minute before King demanded that they see the Dragon Sin of Wrath's second form. Merlin forced the transition, ignoring the screams of pain. A small, maybe three year old, Meliodas stared at Merlin in betrayal.
"It would appear as if the second form is a representation of the mental age a demon is. Quite intriguing, Captain. I will leave the bracelets on and keep you in this form until we need your power in battle." Merlin disappeared out of the Boar Hat as King took Meliodas from the windy Holy Knight oh Liones.
"This makes a lot of sense because the Captain does usually act like a child." Diane's statement caused much laughter. King just continued to stare at the small child, conflicted. Ban sighed as he bent down and plucked Meliodas from King's gentle hold.
"I'm tucking him in, then I have to leave. I've got someplace to be." Ban's statement caused King to pack up his belongings and tell Diane goodbye, giving her a very powerful memory charm that would protect her from loosing her memories again.
Upstairs, Meliodas tried to resist being tucked in as he was over 3000 years old. Ban simply forced him to change and tucked him in the small room away from Elizabeth.
"Stay in bed and get some rest so that you can heal enough." Bam kissed Meliodas's head and watched the demon child fell into a deep sleep. Ban figures it would take a week or so until he woke up. He walked downstairs to see that almost everyone was leaving to do their own things after the betrayal of the Grand Masters. Hog was staying along with Diane and Gowther to watch over the Captain. Elizabeth would come everyday to work until her father banned her from coming and the tavern was gone.
The Boar Hat moved to many locations throughout the two weeks that Meliodas slept. Merlin had decided to join back up, staying her lab in the lowest level of the fine drinking establishment, concerned about her Captain. If anyone would ask, she would venomously deny that she cared. Once he woke up, it was Merlin that bathed, dressed, fed, and brought him down to her lab. She sat him on a comfy chair with the most soothing blanket and a stuffed rabbit that Meliodas loved.
"Captain, I will remove the bracelets if you agree to have either Gowther or I with you at all times. You must also remain in this form until a battle occurs." She allowed the Captain of the Seven Deadly Sins to see her worry for him. He nodded and she remove the two but placed a small, almost nonexistent bracelet on his left hand. She decided to explain it to him as he was starting to get a little drowsy.
"It will sense when you are needed and will painlessly change you back to your original form. We are also on our way to Camelot. An ancient evil has risen and it seems as if a storm is coming."
"Okay. Can we go back up?" Meliodas felt the power of his people stirring, calling for him to return but he didn't tell Merlin yet that the seal was about to break.

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