One Question Changes Everything

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Ban, the Fox Sin Of Greed, was the first to ask the Captain of the Seven Deadly Sins what race he was from. Ban had his suspicions for years but had never asked until the weird magical horn containing one of the goddess race had made a deal with his Captain's life.
Now he stood over the bloody body of his comrade, waiting for the answer.
"Ban, it's alright. You can kill me after we defeat the Grand Master." Meleados only stared up at him, not answering the question but instead forgiving Ban and it made Ban so pissed!
"Just answer the question! Are you one of those monsters?!" Ban saw the pain in the eyes of Meleados, who truly was only a child, and felt his heart start to break when Meleados looked to the side with a tear falling from his eye.
"Yes. I'm a demon just like them. I promise you that you can kill me after we win, though. I know what the horn offered you and I would do the same thing." Ban sighed as he stepped away from the demon child and watched him smile before facing a greater danger with nothing but a broken blade and hope.
~time skip~
Ban watched as Meleados hid in the shadows of the Boar's Hat, unseen by all others inside as tears streaking his face, while King condemned him for being born a monster. Ban realized that maybe history wasn't correct. A lot of things were never truly written about what happened during the demon wars. Ban also realized one other thing.
"Would ya just shut up already? We know that the Capt'n is no monster. Monsters are rarely born but are mostly crafted." King glared at Ban but Gilthunder started talking.
"Something happened three thousand years ago and I don't think it went down how we thought it did. History is written by the victors. Only Meleados can tell us." King reluctantly agreed that he would hear out Meleados if the boy would talk. Before Meleados could disappear somewhere, Ban grabbed him and sat him firmly down on one of the benches, relishing the look of guilt in King's eyes.
"Well? What's the story, Capt'n?" Ban would be relentless about getting answers, especially after the forest fire.
"I... Are you sure you want to know the truth? Are you sure you can handle what happened to me and my people three thousand years ago?" Everyone made some form of agreement before he continued. "I don't know how the wars began. I was born the way I look now, ready to fight for my survival. My father united the clans because the other races were slaughtering us. I had existed for five years when I was captured by the first Fairy King. He tortured me for no other reason than I was a demon. He cut me open, chained me like a dog with magic suppressing chains, asked for things I had no clue about. At that time, I didn't even know what the other races were. He slaughtered children for the pleasure of their screams and would force me to watch as my kin died. He would then drag me to his throne and rape me in front of anyone who cared to watch. It was uncommon for a demon child to survive as long as I did without the clan but they had no way of saving me from your people, King. The giants bought me and a few others from the Fae and the leader of the giants made us try to escape."

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