Continued Pain

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AN: only Meliodas is speaking in this first part. I added stuff
"After we were caught again, we were branded. A group of humans bought me from the giants for pleasure. They did whatever they wanted to me and I had only been alive for a decade. A general of my father's had spotted the group during one of those times and demolished the humans. He brought me to my father, believing that I was a human. It was my father that removed the chains. He taught me to be quiet through all pain, to withstand all forms of torture except the goddess race, and how to wield my powers. He made me fight. If I failed then I was punished.
"I learned how to kill everything swiftly. I was only a baby compared to all the other demons, having two older brothers that were not allowed to get close to me. I was always alone as many demons would be frozen at my power. My brothers broke my father's rule and helped me to change into a second form. They grew to love me as did the Ten Commandments, the elite fighting force with no equal. Eventually, my father started to care and love for me but it was too late.
"The goddess race feared me and sought out a way to wipe out not just the demons but the other races as well. I was captured in a combined effort of all the other races, a feat that has never been done before or after this event. They targeted a small village where I was the only protection. All the women and children of my race that had been there were brutally slaughtered and I was chained in goddess light. I was tortured for two hundred years by the goddess race for I had the knowledge to get rid of my race. I bore the curse and the seal my father had gifted to me and I was alone in a place that the people only harmed me. I could not endure forever as I was still a child. One of their best purgers tried to purge me of the darkness but perished from it instead." Meliodas paused, he had been staring at the table for the whole time, shaking slightly as he told them the horrors he personally endured.
He felt Elizabeth touch his shoulder and they all witnessed as she tried to heal him of the wounds he had ignored since the battle. Meliodas practically dove under the table while screaming at her and begging her to not touch him. Ban realized that Elizabeth was not just Liz's reincarnation but that of the person who had hurt him most. It was King and his pillow that brought a struggling Meleados out from under the table.
"I didn't mean," Elizabeth was interrupted by a strangled sob from Meleados.
"What happened next?" King was cold with the demon child, who Merlin had slipped a set of special magic suppressing bracelets on. It would prevent any magical backlash as Meliodas's stolen power rushed back to him from the place that Merlin had hidden it. No one had noticed the absolute restoration of his eminence power as they were to busy watching the little demon. Meliodas tried to summon his powers, only to be shocked terribly for his efforts. He weakly continued speaking, eyes locked on the bracelets, feeling like a prisoner to the people he had considered family for the past almost two decades.
"Th, the lady knew that I couldn't be purged. They had tried killing me also, but I wouldn't stay dead. There was on, only one other way to change the demon's thoughts: forcefully tie them to a goddess race's soul for an eternity. The only way to break such a bond would be to have it broken by the full gathering of the Ten Commandments.
"I was completely controlled by the daughter who I had only known as the Lady. I had to obey her orders. There was no way of being able to disobey the person who controls you like that. She was murdered by a demon who knew what had happened but they forgot that the last order given must be followed through. My people called me a traitor for something I could not control. If they ever found out about what happened, they would have taken me away and purged the small light sealed in me out.
Anyways, The goddess race used all their powers to seal my race away after I had been forced to give the information to them. They all disappeared and the humans found me. They had their fun then left me to die in the Fairy King's forest. The Fairy King freed me on one condition, that I never let my race return. He had forced my agreement through the control of the last lancer of the goddess race who controlled me. In truth, the world is better for all races if my people remain away." Meliodas zoned out as the gathered group started to speak to each other over his head. The last question had been if Meliodas was still a child in his people's eyes and they only received a nod.
"So cannot physically, emotionally, or mentally age without the presence of one of my people."

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