Family Reunion

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An: sorry for any problems but I'm updating as I can and I'll probably rewrite some of this when I'm more waked and not sleep deprived. Also please leave an idea or something? Possibly even a gold star to let me know that I didn't complete fail.
Meliodas watched Merlin, Diane, and Gowther as they made their way to Camelot. Meliodas felt the seal break, causing him to cry in slight relief. Merlin asked what had caused him to cry.
"They here. Seal just broke." Meliodas' whispered answer froze the other three deadly sins. Merlin knew that Meliodas' family and the Ten Commandments would come for the Captain, especially since he was so young but they had just arrived at Camelot. A white giant monstrosity rose over the lands of Camelot, a remnant weapon left behind from the war 3,000 years ago. She gave Meliodas his sacred treasure and he jumped away before she could age him up. Meliodas defeated the giant without any help, sensing Gallant of Truth on his way. Merlin sensed the Commandment coming also and had been able to protect almost everyone. After the epic battle, (which the author is too lazy to write but it follows the show mostly), the dust settled and everyone forgot about Meliodas.
Gallant of Truth had been appalled by the restraints on Meliodas, who had started sobbing when he had been gently picked up by the demon. Gallant saw the curse mark of the Goddess Race on Meliodas. Everything made sense. Meliodas, the most loved and revered of their race had been controlled. Meliodas was scared of how he and the others would treat him, expecting to be killed for finding a way that saved his people and destroyed the enemy. Gallant held the boy closer.
"Hush, little one. Gallant will take you back to your older brothers and the rest of the Commandments. They will know the truth and they will protect you." As Gallant returned, Meliodas hid his face in Gallant's armor. Estarossa and Zeldris watched carefully as Meliodas continued to hide his face. Gallant looked to Zeldris to ask the question on everyone's minds. Zeldris made his questions yes or no for his youngest brother.
"Meliodas, did you betray us entirely of your own free will?" Meliodas croaked our a small no. "Did you think it was the only solution to end the war and save us?" Meliodas nodded with a whimper. "Meliodas, did you want to do any of what happened when you sealed us away?" Meliodas muttered something about wanting to be able to have killed off the entire Goddess race but not wanting to hurt his family. Zeldris felt his heart break as Meliodas started shivering in fear.
"M sorry! I didn't know what to do and SHE Hurt me so I did what was told because they promised I could go back with you!" Meliodas had descended into the panic and fear that had been overwhelming him for so long. Estarossa took Meliodas into his arms and started to whisper sweet nothings to his baby brother as Gallant told them of the mark of the Goddess curse that they needed to remove before they removed the special bindings. Zeldris became angered as he learned of all that Meliodas had suffered at the hands of the mage, Merlin. When he went to caress the blonde hair of his baby brother, Meliodas whimpered. Zeldris held Meliodas.
"I promise that I am not angry with you. No one, not even father, is mad at you. You did wonderful. I'm mad at the people who hurt you. See, I'm not lying because I haven't been turned to stone." His statement got a giggle from Meliodas. "How about you and Estarossa rest as I keep guard?" Meliodas fell asleep before Zeldris had even finished his last sentence. The other Commandments took a relaxed but guarded position around the siblings, watching what damage had been inflicted by the ruthless Goddess Race on a child. None were fooled that Meliodas was scared of them. They would have to earn back the trust they lost when they had abandoned him to the cruel hands of fate.

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