One Wing

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I just can't get off my feet
To reach my destiny
Though it's where I can see
It's just too high to reach, no
I can't, I can't, I can't fly with one wing
-Jordin Sparks

I laid on my back and stared at the ceiling, really fighting with myself about getting up and how I no longer had "five more minutes" to spare. Ain't nothing better than having the ceiling fan on high while you rolled tight under the covers like a burrito with your pillow propped up at that perfect angle.

After a few more minutes I finally got up.

Stepping into my closet, I scanned the pretty but simple dress I had bought just a few days ago. The way I was feeling, I really just wanted to throw on some sweatpants and stay in bed but I couldn't since today was the baby shower finally.

I was dragging my feet so my shower took way longer than usual and the water went cold before I even had a chance to shave my legs.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, I rubbed my whipped shea butter mixture all over my neck, arms, breast and belly. As I was doing this, there was knocking at the front door...."Please be August." I whispered to myself.

The knocking continued so I grabbed my phone to facetime Aug.

"I know that's you... I think I left my car doors unlocked lastnight , if so then press the botton for the garage and come in that way."

I watched as August did what I said and soon he was making his way upstairs.

"You need to stop doing that. Somebody going to steal your shit one day or worse, run up in here." He nagged at me.

"Yes sir." I simply replied.
August sat my food down in front of me and walked out the bedroom.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked.

"Oh nothing. I gotta run to my car to get your other bag. I had to beg them fuckers to make sure all three pies was in there, along with your crispy fries." He called out from the top of the stairs before heading down.

"Thank you. Even though I really didn't need that. My heartburn is going to be on 10 later today."

"You need me to lotion your legs and feet for you?"
August pointed down at my ashy bottom half.

"I mean I wasn't going to since the dress covers my legs but it does have a slit on one side so yes, thank you."

Aug threw our food away and and when he returned, I noticed he had a plastic red cup in his hand.
I watched as he went into the bathroom and came out with my shaving gel and a few paper towels.
"Where you keep your extra razors at? He questioned.

After telling him where, he was now sitting down on the floor in front of me.
"What are you doing?"

"I'm about to shave these hairy ass legs of yours."
I wanted to kick him in the face...

"Aight, I think I remember how to do this. I put some water on your legs first, then the shaving shit and start to shave right?"

I nodded my head.
"I shave in the opposite direction of my hair growth when I'm doing my legs so shave upwards."

He looked confused so I had to demonstrate what I meant.

"You wax everything else but your legs...what sense does that make?" Aug made small talk as he slowly and gently shaved my leg.

"You right but I can't wax my hurt too much." I confessed.

"You can get your ass waxed but can't take the legs....women." He scoffed.
Once before, I waxed Aug's armpits and he was acting like that was the death of him so he really didn't have any room to talk.

Hard Not To Love (Sequel to P.H.T.G)Where stories live. Discover now