Stand By Me

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So darling, darling
Stand by me, oh stand by me
Oh stand, stand by me
Stand by me
-Ben E. King

"Get it together Camila, damn." I spoke out loud.
My hands shook uncontrollably as I held my sponge.

I squirted two drops of foundation into the sponge and began to apply it to my neck.

I hated doing this.
Anytime I had to leave the house I had to put makeup on to cover my bruises up.

I doubled checked my neck to make sure nothing was showing but also that it looked natural and blended.

"Damn Lay, go ahead and kick mommy's rib out babe."
Baby Lay was kicking me for dear life, I was beyond over this pregnant life.

Brushing my hair into a nice sleek ponytail, I slipped on my jacket and made sure to grab the store list off the counter before I left the house.

Pasta, check
Brown eggs....check
Milk, check
Oreos....of course
I went through all of my items before going to check out, I didn't want to make another trip tonight.

"Well, well, well."
I closed my eyes and breathed out slowly.
He walked around to get a good look at me.

"What's up?"
I half smiled while looking at Devin.

"How are you?"
I asked.

He stared at the food I was about to purchase.
"Sure would be nice to taste whatever you plan on cooking."

I laughed knowing exactly where this was heading.
"You know, never in my life have I had someone particually hunt me down, ask for a do over and then never hear from them again."

"I've been busy."
I half lied.

He looked me up and down, not believing a word I had just said.
"So busy that you leave me on read?"

I started to feel bad.
"I'm sorry. It's just a lot going on and I'm just trying to get things and myself in order before my daughter arrives.

He nodded before listening to someone in his earpiece.
"Well it was nice seeing you, I have to handle something. Take care of yourself and your little angel."
He gave me one last smile that showed off those pearly whites and dimples.

I turned around and watched as he walked down the bread aisle.

"My place Friday or Saturday, which ever works best for you."
He stopped and looked over his shoulder before turning fully around to give me his undivided attention.
"Saturday. I'll text you to see if you're still up for it and the rest will follow."

I smirked at the back of his head and watched him disappear to handle whatever he needed to.

I pulled up and noticed Lani's car was in the driveway, blocking me from putting my car in the garage.
"Lani you're blocking me again!" I yelled out as I stepped into the house. She was definitely moving both cars before she left.

It was quiet, too quiet. I walked into the kitchen to sit some of the grocery bags down and started to walk around the house.

I found Lani out in the backyard with Deuce, playing fetch.
A smile appeared on my face as I went back outside to get the rest of the groceries.
Since I only had two bags I went ahead and walked down to check for mail and the newspaper.

For the past week or so, there was a strange black Lexus with dark tented windows. It was only there at certain times of the evening and night. I recall meeting the neighbor, Mr. Kwon, who was a computer engineer and often traveled so I'm guessing he has someone house sit while he's away.
Whoever the owner was, I've never seen them leave or enter the residence, maybe I was over reacting but something seemed off.

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