Obstacle Eight: Berlin Walls

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At the base of the mountain we were confronted with two 9 foot high walls. Similar to the glory blades at the very beginning but different in that these ones were perfectly vertical, and had little boards to act as a tempting foot holder.

I was still feeling too dizzy to try a vertical climb with an equally vertical drop on the other side, so instead I gave my husband a boost up the wall. And discovered that concussion or no concussion, I make a really GOOD anchor. I managed to help him over both walls, and helped several other Mudders as well before I went around myself. My brother also chose to skip this obstacle, because he hates heights, and with me skipping he felt that he had permission to skip as well.

There is a part of me that is VERY disappointed in myself for skipping obstacles. The logical part of my brain is all like ‘no way dude, you needed to take care of yourself’, whereas the part of me that is super critical and competitive is all ‘loser, weak, you should have done it you disappointment’. It’s not a fun feeling. At the time I didn’t know I had a concussion remember, so I just knew I felt suddenly dizzy and weak, and thought it was all due to adrenaline even though the adrenaline rush had long worn off already.

So although I skipped this obstacle, I did at least help my husband and several others master it.

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