Chapter 2 - The Vanguard

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I was meditating. Letting the pulsating life of everything around me calm my body. I was relaxed, the most relaxed I had ever been this whole week. I was there for a few hours, sitting in peace and quiet. Then, I heard a noise, like footsteps. Without even opening my eyes, I sighed and said calmly, "Spade... Leon..."

Heavy feet hit the ground in front of me, and I heard the sometimes annoying voice of my oldest brother, Leon, saying, "How did you know it was us?"

"I could hear you two from a mile off," I said cooly, trying not to let my temper loose. I opened my eyes, to see both Spade and Leon standing near the entrance of the room we were in.

"How does that work?" Leon asked, obviously trying to annoy me.

"Because I'm a warlock," I said, closing my eyes again.

"That is not an answer." Leon snapped back.

I sighed and dared to open my eyes again. "According to how you answer my questions most of the time, it is," I remarked, staring into his red eyes. He looked scary, with his light blue armor. But it exaggerated what he really was.

Leon drew closer, "What do you mean?" he demanded to know.

"What I mean is..." I stood on my feet and tried to get eye level with him, which was difficult because I was so much shorter than the rest of my family. I continued with what I was saying, "When you tend to answer my questions, Legacy, you say, 'Because I'm older' or 'Because I'm a titan' or some other answer like that!"

Spade came in the last second, just as Leon began to draw closer to me. "Alright you two, break it apart." He butt in, trying to get us to stop arguing, like every day.

My ghost, Dawn, came out of nowhere, and said, "You three are needed in the main hall." Dawn said in a monotone. I nodded at the orange and white ghost in front of me.

"Welp, guess we're needed," Leon said, trying to be smart to me. I rolled my eyes. Leon always thought he was smarter than me. Guess that came with the older sibling thing.

We spent at least an hour walking to the hall. Spade and Leon decided that it was a good idea to tell stories of their recent adventures in the world. I would've joined in on storytime, but I couldn't. I hadn't gone on any missions with my fireteam. I barely had any experience with a gun, let alone on the battlefield. Instead of listening, I thought of visions I had been having the past few days. They were visions of pain, want, death, greed, and grief. These visions kept me up at night, and asleep during day. I pondered these thoughts, and began wondering what it all meant.

"Eve...EVE!" I heard someone call my name. I looked up, and it was Spade. "We're here." He finished. I simply just nodded my head in response.

Spade's face then was painted with worry, "Hey, are you alright?"

"What? Ummm..." I quickly managed to stutter out, "Yeah, I'm okay," I said with the most genuine smile on my face.

"'Kay, well let's go." Spade poke fast, obviously excited that we got to see father during the day. Spade gave me no say in the matter of when we were leaving, as he grabbed my wrist as tightly as he could and pulled me along. I didn't really care much, as I was pretty much use to him dragging me along everywhere. Spade was always so overprotective of me it wasn't even funny. The usually bright and cocky hunter could turn serious and suicidal if anything decided to attack me. I guess that that was part of the reason I never went out on missions, Spade could be killed. When we reached the Vanguard Hall, or the main hall as we mostly call it, Zavala, Cayde-6, Ikora, and Leon were all waiting for us.

"About time you got here," Cayde said.

I answered back, "Sorry for the hold-up. I just..." I trailed off, debating whether or not I should tell them about my visions.

"Eve just got a little distracted." Spade finally said, breaking me away from my thoughts.

"Well, just saying, we could have started this much sooner if you didn't go back to fetch Eve." Legacy said, his eyes never moving away from the table.

I commented back, "Thanks for taking me into consideration for once in your life." Legacy never answered me back, which was probably for the best.

"Let's get to business, people," Zavala commanded, letting his voice be heard throughout the room.

"Right, business," Cayde said in a sarcastic tone, which wasn't that uncommon for him to display.

"Cayde..." Ikora said as if she was Cayde's mother and Cayde was in trouble.

"And... what's the problem, Zavala? Or is this one of your famous, 'you'll be the next vanguard' pep talk?" I asked somewhat sarcastically.

"Actually, both," Zavala answered back. I simply nodded my head, surprised that Zavala actually had something other than the vanguard to talk about.

Zavala began, "First of all, you three are set to be the next vanguard as you, Eve and Legacy, are more prepared than anyone else in this city for the job, and as so long as when the time comes Spade passes the Vanguard Dare Challenge. So... this means that you must learn responsibility for others."

Well, it seems Legacy will never learn that lesson, and Spade already has. So where does that put me?' I thought.

Zavala continued with this speech, but this time talking about the problem at hand. "Second thing, people have been reporting sights of strange creatures outside of the Traveler's reach. We need you three to get rid of these creatures."

"And why are you asking a young girl, who can barely hold a gun mind you, to help?" Legacy asked, precisely because he didn't think I would be of any use to the fireteam.

"Because," Zavala began, "she is the only one who can crack the code."

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