Prologue - The Past

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The last thing I remember before the Collapse, was the murder of own my mother and brother in front of my very eyes. I was a frightened little girl, only five years of age. The man turned to face me, pointing the barrel of the gun at the same place he shot them, my heart, but never fired. Instead he just smirked at me, and walked away as the collaspe began. As he left, I rushed over to the side of my dead family members, not ready to know the realities of death.

"MOMMY! ACE! WAKE UP!" I yelled, desperate to wake them up, but never succeeding. The next thing I knew, my two older brothers, my father, my aunt, and my uncle barged into the room, seeing what had been only a dream before.

My aunt, Ikora, dragged me away, saying,"Come on, Eve."

"NOOOO!!!!" I screeched,"I DON'T WANT TO LEAVE THEM!!!!!"

Through my constant schreeching, I could lightly hear my father say, crying softly,"Goodbye. Rose...Ace...I love you both." and sat there, paralyzed by shock. I took a break from my screaming and looked around at everyone, confused and had hot tears streaming down my face. It wouldn't be until much later that I would finally realise that they were dead, that the light couldn't save them.

"Daddy, are they ever gonna wake up?" I asked unknowingly. Father broke out of his trance, stood up, and spun on the back of his heels.

"Let's go, kids." Father said with the sternest voice I had ever heard from him in all my life. And with that, we finally made our leave. Though as we were about to board the ship that could've saved all of our lives, I decided to break free, to run back to my dead mother and brother. And the last thing I saw was their corpses, then everything went black...


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