Chapter 4 - The Red War

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Every enemy was shot, lying on the ground, still as a rock. I took a deep breath and walked over to one of their bodies, "They kinda look like guinea pigs." I commented. I crouched down and tapped their head and it made a clinking sound "Or at least their helmets do." I took off it's helmet, and I was shocked. It's face was wrinkled, and it's teeth were baring.

"Jesus Christ!" Spade exclaimed behind me, "What the hell is that!"

"I don't know..." I started, "but it's almost like I see-" I stopped, realizing the answer. "Oooooooh..."

"What?" Spade asked, watching my movements.

"Bien sûr, elle était photographe." I said to myself as I rushed over to the panel and typed in, 'La femme était photographe. Elle a pris une photo de son mari, l'a développée et l'a suspendue pour qu'elle sèche.'

"A woman shoots her husband. Then she holds him underwater for over 5 minutes. Finally, she hangs him. But 5 minutes later they both go out together and enjoy a wonderful dinner together. How can this be." I told them.

Leon answered, "I don't know, my guess would be that she faked it."

"That's exactly why you aren't a detective. She is a photographer." I entered my answer and information came up about an organization called the Red Legion and their leader, Dominus Ghaul. I scanned the information as fast as lightning and was somehow able to mesmerize it all like a book.

A voice came into my head, stopping any and all thinking I was doing. I heard the Speaker call out to me frantically, "Eve, hurry! There is an atta-" something cut him off. It took me no less than a second to wrap up everything and head straight for the ship. My brothers tried to ask me questions, but I remained silent, trying to get to the Tower and the City as fast as possible.

I got into the ship and into the pilot's seat. Dawn came out, "Eve, what's happening?"

"There's an attack on the City," I said, spitting my words out.

"Oh, and how would you know?" Leon asked.

I turned the engines on and turned to face him, "That is another discussion for another time." I answered. Something told me that he expected me to be angry, but I wasn't. I was worried, worried for my friends and family, thinking things like 'Oh god, what is going to happen to them?' and 'Please let them be safe."

In one swift motion, I turned around and lead the ship away from the prison. We spent the ride in silence, each of us keeping to our own selves. It was when a sudden transmission from the Tower came in that we finally stirred. "This is Commander Zavala, asking for any available backup."

Ghost answered, "We are on our way."

"You were right!" Spade exclaimed.

I answered while flying, "I'm never wrong."

A few minutes later and we were in view of the City. It was shocking, smoke rising from buildings, the faint glow of a fire in the distance. I brought the ship to land, which was much more difficult than it looked. I wasted no time in grabbing my hand cannon and opening the hatch.

Spade grabbed my arm and looked me in the eyes, "You sure you want to be doing this, Eve?"

I looked at him, "Of course I am, it's me." I walked off and both Spade and Leon followed after. We were barely on the path when something broke through a nearby wall.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

I fired three shots at whatever broke through.

"Nice instinct," Spade commented as I holstered my gun and walked over to whatever it was.

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