14|"H E L L O , L O V E , "

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"WHAT DO YOU think , Sierra ,Ravenclaw or Slytherin?"The blonde haired girl asked, staring into the fireplace,the black haired girl shrugged,"Dunno' as a Ravenclaw I would say Ravenclaw.."

"You're so useless, Sierra"Answered the other girl.
She scoffed, and, rolled her eyes, the blonde , blue eyed girl, walked away, looking out of the window, seeing her reflection, she felt a sting, on her face, but shrugged it off.

It was raining.She could see the rain, but it wasn't the rain, it was her tears, the reflection of her tears to the Window the tears caused the sting in her cheek, and blood poured out.Again.

"Oh great.Madam Pomphrey said it would happen, and said to come to her immediately"Stated Sierra simply, the two girls stared at her, and Hermione muttered loudly to her, pinching her arm,"Aren't you gonna' help your friend then!"

They had gotten to her, by the time, blood was dripping on the floors, and she constantly heard.Drip.Drip.Drip-

When she had gotten to the Hospital Wing,she collapsed in the bed, still awake though, and Madam Pomphrey quickly rushed to her aid, asking quick questions ,"How many fingers am I holding up, dear?"
"Umm...5,...no!2, yes 2!"

Pomphrey put a cross next to the question, asking ,"What's your name?"Sierra and Hermione looked at her, outraged, that Loren could forget her own name, after her cheek was pouring blood,she then answered in a simple tone,

"Loren Dove Haydes"
She nodded,"Okay, good, so far, I'll be back, Miss Anderson, Miss  McVoy, follow me please, I want you to help, we need you."

As they walked away, Loren out her hand to her cheek, and felt it disappear, not her cheek disappear but the blood.She suddenly landed in a park, the last thing she heard was a ,"Hello, love,"

Loren Dove Haydes » Marauders Era •Where stories live. Discover now