13|S A T U R D A Y D E T E N T I O N

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(Hii I bet your wondering why I have another chapter called Saturday Detention,and I'm not replacing it,I'm just continuing it because I didn't finish chapter 10|SATURDAY DETENTION also I'm very sorry I haven't update for like 3-4 days,and that's a lot for me,also I was on a small break which is like 1-2'days!!Also I don't know if I said before,but the characters belong to J.K Rowling except Loren,Hermione Anderson and Sierra McVoy.)Also,I'm very sorry but,Avery knows Loren,from America since well yeah,because Avery is from the Southside

Loren scoffed,as she was sitting on the chair, and she didn't even care one bit,if Avery and Malfoy were around her,as she was sat in between them.Her,Sierra and Hermione's 1000 word essay was scrunched up on the floor,being kicked by the 4 boys.A while later,we all expected Lily to finish,and she did,so she suggested to play a 'game' instead of disturbing McGongall.

Of course,there was nothing else better to do,so we did.We went into a circle,Loren sitting down,taking of her jacket that had a serpent on it.

We went into a circle,Loren sitting down,taking of her jacket that had a serpent on it

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(Malfoy is top right,Loren top left and Mulciber bottom left,also the top left,is what Loren is wearing now)"So

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(Malfoy is top right,Loren top left and Mulciber bottom left,also the top left,is what Loren is wearing now)
"So...who's gonna go first?"Asked Sierra,everyone looked at each other,glancing,then she,Sierra volunteered,clearing her throat,

"I'll go first,me and Kevin,have been dating for a long time now-"
"Why secretly?"Asked Hermione,curiously and Sierra sighed,wondering what to say,
"Well, our parents don't want their children to date...different types of people to use their euphemism of choice"We all nodded,as Hermione glanced,"My parents are all up in my relationship too,you know Hiram Lodge?"

"Mhmm"Nodded Avery,"Yes,we do,dude is ripped"
"A petty criminal"Amswered Lily,pushing up her glasses,and Hermione scoffed,
"He provides for his family,my mother says,'Sangras Sudor elag' remos' That's the way to the American Dream Mija,but what dream?(Pronounced as Mee-ha)Hiram has the right idea,to leave Riverdale"

"Except I wanna stay here my whole life"said Avery,Loren scoffed asking sarcastically,
"Is that how long it will take you to choose between Music and Quidditch?"
"I'll look after my dad ,he's sick,real sick and he took care of me my whole life,so now it's my turn"

Avery said,looking down,then Regulus said,"Loren your up"
Loren went nervous,sweating as Sierra and Hermione glanced at her,knowing what it is,then Avery sighed,rolling his eyes,"Just tell them,Loren, how you lit a dumpster on fire at the Southside of 'Merica'"

"Why don't you tell them you don't actually live on Sunnyside Trailer Park?"Loren asked,probably regretting it as Avery looked up into her blue eyes,and Sierra and Hermione asked,"What?I thought you lived on Elm Street?"

"Yeah,don't kid yourself,you won't escape the Southside you'll be just like your dad,downing six packs in your double wide"said Loren,blinking,then Avery licked his lips,looking up at his other three friends who were the only ones who hadn't answered yet,aside from Lily, was Mulciber , Malfoy and Regulus.

Avery started,"Yeah but I won't hit my kid" Sierra , Hermione and Loren glanced at each other,wondering if he knew ,"Not like my old man hits me"

Lily sighed,"I haven't told anyone this...but my sister,Petunia she hates me,and calls me a freak since I'm a witch"Loren scoffed,
"Well,that means we are freaks,and the only freak,is her"Lily glared,obviously still caring for her sister,thinking she'll be nice for once,and Lily said,"Well..atleast my dad isn't from a pureblood mania family"

Loren rolled her eyes,saying,"Don't even compare.Your dads a muggle"
Lily went red,"You bitch!"
Then,Loren lunged for Lily,on top of her, banging Lily's back onto the floor,as this time,Loren's cheek was stinging again,from the blood oozing and Lily smacking her,so, wanting to be the victim and not getting detention,Loren used a spell,so Lily's clothes were ripped.

And Hermione muttered,"Not again!"Lily's clothes were ripped, so it showed off her bra,from underneath the shirt.And that ended up with Lily's eye more bruised, and Loren's arm to get a bandage to weak around it,
An hour later..

It was an hour after,that Sierra,Hermione and Loren ignored what happened earlier with Lily, and sat together,at the Ravenclaw table,and Hermione muttered to the other two girls,making sure no-one was listening,"I thought he knew then,about the-"Then she paused,not saying anything for a few seconds,"About 'it' -"

Loren rolled her eyes nervously,"I'm not sure it'd be Avery,I mean yeah,sure I knew him,but he can't be-"
Sierra sighed,"Yeah,but like I said it was positive,when we were in the restrooms!Like when I said,it's only-like 3% negative,and yours,it's true,magic can make you well..."

Then because people were around them,and anyone of them could hear,she whispered the 8 letter word.
Hermione nodded,so did Loren, solemnly and the three pronounced a spell,so no one could hear them,even if they shouted.
As Loren took her wand out to do it,her hand twitched,from the bandage that was wrapped around it from earlier.

Hermione sighed,talking normally like the other two were,"Loren"The blonde haired girl,Loren looked at her,Sierra did the same,and Hermione said,cautiously and slowly,"Is there anyone from America,that you might've...done something with,to make you...like this?"

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