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"SO YOUR TELLING me you turn into a hairy,moody,beast once a month that wakes up in his own blood?"

Asked Loren,thinking of something funny,to make things happy again.
"Y-Yes"Replied Remus,blinking,about to open his mouth,probably to say that he doesn't mind if she isn't friends with him anymore but she replied with,

"Well then,your no different to the female population,if you know what I mean"Replied Loren,smirking,as a smile tugged on Remus's lips,then he chuckled.

"Well,I'm helping my friend-"
"No!You can't do that,your my best friend-"
"-Then why is a stag,a dog and a rat helping you?"Everything was silent them,and Remus then changed the subject, "So,tell me,Loren,why have you got a very deep cut-"
"-On my cheek that looks like a werewolf could've done it-"Loren paused,"Okay,very,very bad response-"

"So,what do you think that'll be a good anigamus?"Loren asked,Remus looked like he was in a deep thoughts,then said ,"Coyote,a coyote,and a nickname,for it,it'll be based in your name"

"My first names Loren,middle is Dove,and-"
"Last name Haydes,I know,so.....Goldie,that goes well with your middle name as well,Goldie Dove"

"Goldie Dove it is,Moony"
"I'll tell the rest you are-"Remus paused,grinning at the idea Loren didn't hate him at all,he used to like her,at the start,then noticed one of his friends,had an eye for her,and obviously,it'd be great for them to bond,

"Officially about to be a Fifth Marauder"

I loved writing this chapter!Especially the start 😂,girls if you
Know what I mean...and boys,well it's sad for you XD Love mee 25|11|11

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