Nightmares 2

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"Come on, come onnnn....."

"Get the blue shell!"

"Got it! Take that, Bowser!"

Willow fist pumped. "WOO! Take that jerk out, Mikey!"

You smiled from your spot on the couch, watching the two seated on the floor. Mikey sat criss-cross on the floor in front of the tv, a controller in his hands. Willow sat behind him, slightly to the right, a hand on his shoulder. The two were completely enveloped in their game of Mario Kart.

"Hit him again! He cut you off, make him pay!" The teen shouted again. She and the mutant swayed as Mikey's character turned to the right.

"Come on, Yoshi! The finish line is RIGHT THERE!" Mikey hollered at the dinosaur, who he had picked after learning that Yoshi was Willow's favorite character. That Mikey was a wonderfully innocent charmer.

The pair threw their arms in the air, cheering as Yoshi crossed the finish line. Mikey twisted around to face Willow, throwing his arms around her waist while she wrapped hers around his shoulders. They leaned too far to the left and toppled to the floor, now around giggling mess.

Your smile grew and your heart swelled. They were so cute. Why didn't they just get together already?! They already had your blessing!


You jumped and craned your neck around to look over your shoulder. You shifted in your seat, resting your arm on the back of the couch with a warm smile.

"Enjoy your nap?"

Raph stood behind you, fists clenched at his sides. "Can I talk to you....alone?"

Your smile faded. That didn't sound good.

"Um..." You nodded slowly. "Okay?"

The mutant turned and shuffled back to the hall he emerged from. You swung your head back around.

Willow and Mikey's laughter had ceased, the two now staring at Raph's back as he walked away. Their eyes flicked over to yours. There was something off in Raph's voice, and if Mikey could pick up on the hot-head's changed tone, then said hot-head wasn't trying to hide it. Something was wrong.

"Is everything okay?" Willow asked.

You shrugged and leaned forward. "I'll take care of it," you assured in a hushed voice. "Go back to your game." With that, you pushed yourself off the couch, stepping over it and following Raph.

While walking, you couldn't ignore the anxious knots in your stomach. Everything about the short interaction sent your stomach and heart into a nervous frenzy. Though he didn't make direct eye contact, you saw the haunted look in the mutant's gaze. Not to mention that he seemed paler than normal, the muscles in his shoulders were clearly tensed, and how the entire lair's essence seemed to shift when he spoke.

As you approached the door, a sharp tug on your heart made you wince. You grasped the doorknob and pushed the door open; you turned your gaze away from Raph's back to the door as you shut it with a soft click. Next thing you know, your back is pressed against the wooden surface, trapped between his muscular arms.

You felt your heart skip a beat at the intensity in his eyes. And yet...there was something hidden in those emerald green rings.

"Promise you won't leave us."

You just barely missed the inquiry. "What?"

The ridges over his eyes twitched. The barrier holding everything back was cracking. The hardened look on his face faltered and the corners of his mouth twitched down.

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