A New Home

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You now lived on the streets. You had no home. You had no family. And it hurt, it hurt so much that you cried yourself to sleep every night. You had to forage for your dinner, most of the time in a dumpster, or you would steal from other dogs around town.

You would also fight for territory, which would result in a bunch of bite marks and scratches. Normally you would come out on top, and soon you were feared by other dogs around town. But you didn't care, since you had no one to care about but yourself.

You were sitting on top of a building watching the sunset. Every evening you would do this, unless you were foraging or fighting. And every time you watched the sun sink under the horizon, you would howl or absentmindedly sing to the moon that appeared shortly after.

After you were done, you would climb down the fire escape of the building and into the alley where you resided. You walked toward the big cardboard box you slept in at night and climbed in. There were blankets you managed to find, which were in surprisingly good condition and comfortable to sleep on. You shifted them around and flopped down. As soon as you got comfy, you lay your head down and drifted off to sleep.

A couple of hours later, a loud crash woke you up. You head shot up and you sniffed the air. You quietly slipped out of the box and into the shadows. If some random dog wanted to steal your alleyway, they had another thing comin'.

Nothing showed up, so you decided to go back to sleep. As you walk towards your box again, you heard voices coming from the roof of the building.

You decide to check it out, so you climb the fire escape. The voices get louder as you get closer to the roof.

'Those voices sound...vaguely familiar.' you think as you get nearer.

When you reach the last few steps, the voices stop. You stop moving and wait. After a minute of silence, the voices start up again, but you can't make out what they're saying.

You peek over the edge of the building and see four figures. You quietly climb over the edge and into the shadow of a vent. As you peek over the top of the vent, you notice something familiar about these figures.

Two of them seem to be arguing about something, while the other two stand back. One of the figures that were arguing started stomping off in your direction. Your territorial instincts kick in and you crouch, ready to jump.

As the figure passes where you're at, you tackle them to the ground. You look down at your victim and see a mutant turtle. A familiar red turtle with neon green eyes.

He apparently doesn't recognize you, because he keeps struggling under your paws, poorly attempting to throw you off. Suddenly, it all comes back to you.

"Raph?" He immediately stops his struggles and looks up at you.

"How do you know my name?"

"You and your brothers saved me. Remember?" you say to him. Realization spreads across his face. You hop off of him and he stands up. You turn into a human.

"You're that shapeshifter girl we saved from the Foot a year ago aren't you?"

"My name is (Y/n). And yes, that is me." His brothers appear next to him with wide eyes. Apparently they remember you, too.

"Well, why are you out here this late at night? You should be home," says Raph.

Your expression hardens when he says that. "I have no home, not anymore." They seem confused by your answer.

"Listen, my little brother pulled a prank on me, my mutation took over, and I...attacked him. My mom ran in and kicked me out of our apartment," you mutter, turning away from them. You explained the whole 'living on the streets now' dealio to them.

"No one should go through that sort of thing, no matter what they did," Raph says, his tone gentler than usual.

"Yeah, you could come live with us. We do have a spare bedroom at our lair," Mikey adds. You're taken aback by that. They just offered you a place to stay, after everything you did? 

"Y-you sure about this?" you ask.

"Of course! No one deserves to live on the streets alone!" The orange clad turtle exclaims.

"Just get your belongings and meet us on the roof of your old home," Leo says. You nod after a moment and morph back into a wolf again. You take off in the direction of your apartment and jump down the fire escape.

You quietly open your window and pack your bags with clothes and other important things. You carry your stuff to the roof, where you find the turtles waiting for you.

They all take a few bags and lead you to the lair. They all help you get settled into the spare room they have. You also greet Splinter when you arrive. He surprisingly welcomed you with open arms.

Soon Leo, Donnie, and Mikey head to their own rooms, but Raph stays behind to talk for a bit. You tell him about your back story and everything he needs to know. After a while, you both yawn. "I'm going to bed. Goodnight (Y/n)," he says.


You lay down on your bed and pull the covers over your body. Your eyelids got heavy after a minute and soon, you fall asleep. One thing was for certain...

You were going to like your new home.

Heart Of A Wolf (Raphael X Reader) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now