They Take You Back to the Lair

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You kept running, only looking back every once in a while to see if they were catching up to you. Soon your legs were burning and your lungs were screaming for air, and you were starting to slow down a little.

The turtles were far behind you, though. You decided to lose them all at the park, which you did. Or so you thought....

You were sitting on top of a building not too far from your home. Catching your breath, you hear a twig snap. You swivel your ears around, trying to pinpoint where the noise came from.

You yelp in pain as yet another dart hits your shoulder. As you hear four thuds behind you, you rip out the dart with your teeth and throw it on the ground, shattering it. 'What is with these people and darts!?'

You turn, snarling, knowing that it was the turtles. All of a sudden, your legs start shaking, weak from running so long. The turtles start walking towards you.

Growling at them, you start to back up. A sudden adrenaline rush hits you, and you start running again.

"Come on! How long is she gonna keep doin' this, dudes?!"

They start chasing after you again. You suddenly stop running and whirl around, figuring it was better to face them than run. They all screech to a halt. They look at you, confused, until they finally get the message.

"Raph..." the blue turtle starts.

"On it." the red one replies. He walks forward and the others step back, ready to defend against you.

You and the red clad turtle circle each other, sizing up the other's strength. As if on silent signal, you lunge at each other. He throws a few punches, which you dodge, remembering your boxing and karate lessons.

(Oh yeah, I gave ya'll boxing and karate skillz! Now go kick your future boyfriend's ass!!!😊)

You throw a couple swipes with your claws, which he also dodges. Soon, he's pinned under your paws. Another dart hits your torso, making you yelp.

You turn to see the purple clad turtle holding a dart gun in his hands. Snarling fiercely, you jump at him, only for you to fall as a hand grabs your hind paw. You turn onto your back, and the red turtle pins you.

You feel yourself getting weaker, so you muster up whatever strength you have left in you, and sharply kick him off of you. You try to stand up, failing every time.

You give up and stay down; the turtles surround you. You give them a growl as you give in to the darkness.

Heart Of A Wolf (Raphael X Reader) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now