Filler Chapter

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2:25 in the morning. The city was quieter than normal, but still a little busy. In the distance, the siren of a police car echoed off the edges of far off skyscrapers. A slight breeze blew through the atmosphere, surprisingly fresh for New York. Stars and bright city lights twinkled and glowed. All of it was calming and beautiful.

It was moments like this that made you love New York. When you came out here to be alone, both before and after you met the turtles.

Sometimes it just felt so nice to get away from the loud video game music, the quarreling of Leo and Raph, and the smell of the sewers you now called home.

The city could be breathtaking sometimes. A soft, content hum came from you as you knelt on the corner of the building. You glanced up at the dark sky, green eyes flicking from star to star. One corner of your mouth twitched up at some of the memories that seeped into your mind.

On spring and summer nights like this, Willow would come over to your apartment for a sleepover. The two of you made a habit of going up to the roof and just staring at the starry sky, telling jokes and swapping stories. Your lips curved up and your eyes closed.

That crazy girl. You both had been through quite a bit since you had met two years (and four months) ago.


You hugged your textbooks close to your chest as you put in the combination to your locker. With a click, you swung it open and placed your books inside, opening a pocket in your backpack and pulling out your money. "Twenty dollars. Good."

Slipping the money into your pocket, you carefully slammed your locker shut. As you did, the sound of girls cackling reached your ears. Raising an eyebrow, you glance down the hall. You notice a group of five girls cornering a student. You growled/huffed.

'Is that brat at it again?'

Pursing your lips, you trudged towards them. As you snuck closer, you could hear the main girl speaking. "Just give me your lunch money and we won't have a problem, new girl."

A different, new voice answered her. "I-I don't have any money. Please, just l-leave me alone. I don't want any trouble."

Your eyes narrowed. 'Of course she's at it again. That bitch!' The bitch you were referring to was named MacKenzie. ((If your real name is MacKenzie, I am so sorry. If that's your name, change the bully's name to something else.))

MacKenzie was the main female bully of your school. She came from a somewhat rich family, so she thought she was all that and a bag of chips. She had her group of minions and had the guys falling head over heels for her. You and her got into fights once in a while. Fights that you always won.

Alright, take a girl with no upper or lower body strength, the IQ of a poptart, and a pitchy voice. Mix that all together, and you'd have MacKenzie.


MacKenzie still had the poor girl cornered, her petty little followers snickering as the girl cowered back. She raised an obviously drawn on eyebrow and folded her arms. "If you didn't want any trouble, then you'd hand over the money!"

"I told you, I don't have any money!"

MacKenzie squinted her eyes and lifted an arm, ready to slap the kid. Just as she brought it down, a hand grabbed her wrist. She snapped her head around, her piercing, ice blue eyes widened.

"Are we gonna have a problem here, MacKenzie?" You asked in a smooth tone. She yanked her arm free and glowered at you.

"This doesn't concern you, hun. Back off."

Heart Of A Wolf (Raphael X Reader) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now