Project Bullying

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"When's the next available seat going to be?" I asked in a nasal voice. The waitress looked down at me like I was gutter dirt.

"For you? Two hours." She said with fake sweetness. I frowned, pushing my faux glasses up my nose.

"Two hours? That's much too long. Alright, I'll wait here.." I murmered, sitting down in a chair. She rolled her eyes and beamed at the hired actor next in line.

"When's the next available seat?" He asked.

"Right this way." She flirted. I gasped and stood up.

"You told me two hours!" I exclaimed, already appauled. 

"Yeah, but that's because you aren't worthy of our five star restaurant, sweetie." She sneered.

"She can sit with me." The actor said. The waitress gasped,

"No can do. Only one party per table." She said. A crowd had formed, people cheering on the waitress. Only a group of girls cheering for the ugly, helpless girl which was me.

"Actually, I don't need to eat here." I said. The waitress smirked, smugly.

"Good, you can eat what you are. Trash." She sneered.

"Is it because I'm not as gorgeous as a model? Because I'm not, say Jenna Kravitz or Leanne Thorton? Discriminating against the helpless us low. You don't know them, who they are." My anger surged in the words, the nasal accent dropping. 

"Yeah, because if you were Jenna Kravitz, you wouldn't be so ugly." She snickered. I rolled my eyes. Time to take off the disguise. I took off my glasses, the wig, the face mold and smile bitterly at her and the crowd. They had gone silent and were now gaping at what had been the bullied, weak girl just moments before.

"You see, I was hired to do a project. Against bullying and discrimination. This guys, is an actor. I'm Jenna Kravitz, and you guys are what society labels, Bullies. I was willing to eat here, but now, based on the poor service, I don't think I'm going to. Ever again. Bye" I beamed at the camera that had revealed itself from behind the potted plant. I walked to the group of girls who were cheering for me and handed them backstage passes to our next concert. I waved bye to them and walked away. I think I did pretty good.


"Today we have, international superstar, Jenna Kravitz!" Ellen cheered.

I walked out, smiling. I tripped slightly on the 'x' that two strips of duct tape made. Ellen caught my arm and I blushed furiously. 

"Close call." I laughed. Ellen laughed and lead me to the sofa. "I loved your show when I was in 10 grade and only dreamed of being up here. Haha, and here I am. This is the.. Seventh time?" I laughed. Ellen laughed and began to converse with me.

"So, basically. Jenna here, she has been busy with a project. Am I right?" I nodded.

"Project bully." I added.

"Project bully. Right. So, in the video clip, you can see an entirely transformed Jenna, being picked on at this 5 star restaurant." The screen behind us started playing the entire scene at the restaurant. "So Jenna, a little canary told us that have been diddle daddiling with a british popstar?" I hid my face in my hands as Ellen said out to the audience, "I think we hit a jackpot!" 

"It's true, I have been close to a European boy band." I giggled. 

"Ah, and which boy band is that?" 

"One Direction, that is." 

"Oh! How many fans of them are in the crowd?" Almost the whole audience stood up. "Alot! So, who here knows which boy is closer to Jenna?" A microphone was passed to a girl in the front. 

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