Evil Queen

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The beautiful queen

had eyes that could light up a room.

Hair black as night,

skin pale as ebony,

and lips as red as blood.

She was Happy.

And Pure.

And Perfect.

She was in Love.

She was Kind.

She was Forgiving.

She was Light.

It all changed on one no night,

in one hour,

and in one dance.

Now she's Bitter

And Cruel

And Emotionless

And Flawed

She has a Broken Heart

She is fueled with Rage

She is Dark.

Her Prince ran off....

What's Light without Dark?

What's Love without Hate?

I don't know..

all I can know now

is the tears and rage and betrayal.

I get to watch him dance

with her and completely forget about


I feel dead.

I feel like a ghost,

and I may call out his name

but he won't hear me.

Maybe I can be alive again

but probably not.

I feel dead.

maybe I am dead.

I'm ok with it though...

but really.. I'm not.

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