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He looked at what was obvious,

And said, "Fantastic!"

He found what was needed,

And they proceeded.

She saved him wisely,

And quite timely.

And they saved the world.

Quite Fantastic.

It was time for her to leave,

but he beckoned her to come.

And she did.

And their adventures began

from the end of the world to the beginning.


And they rejoiced when no one died,

just after an empty child.

We met the Daleks,

And proceeded to flip out.

And by unknown reasons Bad Wolf was everywhere.


As it turns out, there is a deadly TV show,

And we destroyed it.

Then it turns out that the Dalek emperor is back.

She got sent back to be saved, and he faced certain death.

She looked into the heart, and she went back to him.

She is Bad Wolf, and He is the Doctor.

She killed them all, and told her secrets.


She needed a Doctor.

She went to the Doctor.

And everyone smiled and screamed and laughed and cried.

And heard throughout the entire universes it could be heard from every viewer's mouth,



This was so much fun to write!!! I was laughing so hard at that episode and cried too. 0u0

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