Jack and Sally

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Here's a story,

I'm willing to tell.

Her name was Sally,

and she wasn't quite happy.

She watched her love from afar,

because what could she do?

She was dressed in rags,

And he in a tux.

She  hid in the sidelines,

he was practically king.

She was cast aside,

ignored and alone.

So if you ask,

"Why does she love him?"

It's because she knows,

She seen it herself,

that he isn't happy.

He isn't happy,

happy with all the fame.

And he seems happy with her.

The slim moments when

society wouldn't judge.

So she loved him,

And she hoped

that he loved her.

Sally loved Jack,

but here's the sad thing.

It took a tragedy,

a major blow,

for Jack to realize

he loved Sally.

And the lesson in that story,

the story in itself.

The lesson is,

love because it's love,

ignore society,

And even if your in rags,

or a tux.

Love who you like.

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