Do I Love Him? Chapter 7

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I woke up from my sleep, and layed there in bed, looking at the ceiling, smiling the biggest smile ever. all of a sudden Austin walks out the bathroom. I woke up later than usual. I guess I was just caught up in a dream.

A: why the hell do you have that big grin on your face.

D: what are you doing in here?!

A: I heard you giggling.

D: oh well get out.

A: actually I was wondering if you wanted to go to the waterpark.

D: oh yea sure

A: okay where leaving in a little so you need to get up.

D: okay. wait is mom coming.

A: yea

D: alright

he just stood there

D: get out!!

A: oh yea

he left

I got out of bed and I put on my blue and pink bathing suit, and my navy blue cover up that was like a jacket. then I put on my rainbow flipflops, I grabbed my sexy glasses that make me look amazingly hot.and then I grabbed my towel. I brushed my teeth, then we left.

~at waterpark~

A: me and mom are gonna go to the arcade.

D: okay.

As I was walking trying to find something to do. I saw Chase and some brunette girl making out.

D: oh my god! Chase! What?!

C: oh shit! Dove, wait! its seriously not what it looks like!!

D: REALLY!! It's not what it looks likes! People say that all the time! I should've known!! I mean I guy like you would get all the girls!

C: Look, just list-

D: no! I thought what we had was special!! but I guess not!

C: no it is! just let me exsplain!

D: whatever, you fucking bastard.

C: please don't call me that...

D: bye chase

i walked away.

C: please wait! please!

I walked to the arcade and all of a sudden I ran into this girl.

D: oh I'm so sorry!

K: it's okay. my names Kimberly, yours?

D: dove.

K: woa cool name.

D: thanks

K: are you on vacation here?

D: no I actually just moved here.

K: cool! I live here to!

D: awesome! hey look I'm sorry to be rude but I really have to go find my mom and my brother.

K: can I help

D: umm sure why not?

K: thanks.

D: no problem

we ran around the waterpark looking for them, we couldn't find them. after about 2 hours we saw them at a ice cream stand.

D: mom! Austin!

they both looked back

S: hey sweetie!

A: hey sis.

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