Do I Love Him? Chapter 2

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It was Tuesday and we were TWO days from moving. It was 12:00pm and I had to go to work.

D: I really don't want to go to work today! [I wined]

I worked at this fancy restraunt down town, and my boss is an asshole! She has that French accent so I can barley understand her! she always tells me to do that and do this, and in the middle of her talking she will speake " god knows what language" it's annoying!

~I walk in~

D: Hi Mrs.perí

-you had to do it in the accent or she will kill you!-

MP: I need you to wash the dishes, take out da trash es tre pas la demiché!

D: what! [I said to myself]

MP: what?!

D: ... uhh... what...umm..... [long silence] I'm gonna go wash the dishes...

D: yea [I whispered ]

My work shift ended at 4:30pm, and when I get home, I'm REALLY tired. I go to my packed up room, and plop on the air mattress, and put a pillow over my stomach.I closed my eyes. There was a long silence that lasted about 30 seconds, and all of a sudden you here my mom screaming my name.

S: Dove!

[Ignored it]

S: Dove!

[ignored it]



S:Oh wait...nevermind sweetie!

Usually when me and my mom get in a fight one night were okay in the morning.

D: ughhh....

*knock on bedroom door*

D: yessss????.....

A: Hey...umm...I... uhh...I need your help...

Wait what? What does he mean he needs my help?! He has NEVER I mean NEVER needed my help!

*I sat up*

D: What kinda help?

A: Can you just unlock your door and let me in, and I'll tell you.

D: yes. but Wait, what do I get, if I help you?

A: umm...ahh... I'll tell a hot guy to talk to you.?

D: I do not care about boys! [I said angry]

~a long silence came~

D: promise you will talk to the guy?

A: yes...

*I got up and unlocked the door and let him in*

~he sat on my bed~

D: what is it?

A: there's this girl...

D: Ohhhh, okay I know where this is going...

A: please! just talk to her and tell her how awesome I am!

~I busted out laughing!~

A: it's not funny!

D: yeah it is! [I chuckled]

My brother's been talking about wanting to "get laid" ever sense last year, yeah he's gross. I'm not a vergain, because one time I got so carried away when I was 14, yeah 14!! that I had PROTECTED sex with a guy after school, I didn't mean to. but, everyone keep calling me a whore and a slut, it was horrible. But SOMEHOW I ended up letting it go! Because we eventually moved and I tried to get my mind off of it.

A: PLEASE!! [he shook my sholders]

D: okay! okay! I will! But tommarow I will, because I'm tired.

A: thanks sis!

D: yea yea. Wait! Were moving, how are you gonna see her?

A: oh yea... okay so I met her at Wal-Mart and I bumped into her and she dropped her lemons, I picked them up for her, and she asked me what my name was. so we sat at SubWays tables, and we talked a long time! she gave me her phone number and I smiled then frowned. I told her why I couldn't be in a big relationship, and she said that she was moving there a MONTH from now!

D: wowwwwww...

A: Yeaaaaaa...

D: your such a dimwat


I'm sooooo sorry that this chapter was SO SHORT! I have just been so busy but the next chapter is short too, so don't pressure me.

Do I Love Him?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon