Do I Love Him? Chapter 3

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Today's the big day!

I layed in bed passed out, all of a sudden I hear my alarm clock go off on my phone.

D: ughhh... so not ready for this!

*I tap snooze*

I plop my head back on my pillow and look at the ceiling. I thought about everything I had to do today.

1. had to call my friends to come over and say bye.

2. had to pack up everything in the moving truck.

3. I had to talk to that girl for my brother.

This day was going to be awefull! Plus I had to ride in a car with my idiotic brother for 41/2 hrs!

D: ugh...

*banging on the door*

S: wake up sweetie! Todays the big day!

D: yea yea

I got up and sat on my bed rubbing my face. I went to the bathroom and pulled my hair bow off my wrist, and put my long blonde wavy hair in a messy bun.

I got a paper towel and damped it and wiped my face. I walked out my room and into the kitchen, everyone was sitting at the table already eating breakfast.

S: it's about time you woke up! haha, you excited about the ride there?! [she said excitidly ]

D: haha oh my gosh ye- No! [changing my tone from happy to not happy]

A: well dang, somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed!

D: hey watch it, I can change my mind.

he was quite the whole time we ate.

~in the living room on floor~

I called all my friends and told them to come over and say bye and they said they would come.

I sat on the floor on my phone, till I heard a doorbell ring.I walked to the door...

D: HEYYYYYY!! Jenna, Paige, and Carrie, come innn!!!

as they all walked in, I saw somebody walking behind Jenna, he walked in, a tall, buff, dirty blonde haired guy. He was so hot, I kinda felt bad to admit it, because he was my best friends boyfriend, but oh well.

He winked at me and smiled.

D: I really hope that didn't mean anything. [I whispered to myself]

D: oh hi Vince didn't expect you to be here.

V: hi there, I haven't seen you in a while...

*he walked up to me and gave me a hug*

D: oh well that's sweet.

He walked back to his seat but the hole time he was staring back at me when he was walking.

~akward silence~

D: umm...Sooo... guys omg I'm gonna miss y'all so bad!

we started to cry a little.

D: look, I promise to keep in touch with all y'all!

J: you don't need to keep in touch with me, because I don't want you to! [she said angry]

I was confused for a second but then I realized the whole hug thing that Vince did, she didn't like...

~Jenna walked out onto the front porch~

D: Jenna wait! please!!

I ran after her.

I pulled her arm until she spun around, towards me.

J: what the hell do you want?!

D: what is wrong with you?!


she slapped me as hard as she could. I stood there in shock, holding my cheek. I started crying and ran inside to my room and slammed the door. I layed on my bed, curled up.

After a while Vince came into the room.

V: hey, are you okay?

D: do I look okay to you?!

V: no, but I was just being nice.

D: yeah I know I'm sorry it's just when you get slapped in the face, you can't but help be angry.

V: it's okay... I think I know what might help?

D: what?

~my cheeks started to get red because I think I knew the answer to that question~

V: this

He leaned in and kissed my cheek, very slowly, then he stop only centimeters between our lips, he grabbed my face an kissed me passionately, he slid something in my pocket, he pushed me down on the bed then he leaned over me on the bed. he started kissing again. I pushed away.

D: wait this isn't a good idea at all!

V: oh my god, your right what was I thinking! I'm Sooo sorry! Look...umm-

D: its okay, it was a mistake, it won't happen again...

He smiled at me and said keep in touch.

I smiled back. after he left the room I felt so whoosy inside.

I laughed and giggled to myself. I ploped back on my bed and kicked my legs around laughing and smiling!

I sat on the bed and pulled out what he put in my pocket. It was a note, it said "keep in touch" and had his phone number on it. with a smilie face on it, I held the note and swirled around in circles.


It was finally time to head to LA, I still wasn't happy about it, but I felt better than I did before.

A: hey, what happened with you and Vince earlier today in the bedroom?

D: I know exactly what you have in mind, so shut the pie hole, why don't you.

I put in my ear buds and listened to my music, looking out the window. I just now remembered something! Austin's future wife!!! Ohhhh nooo! hopefully he won't notice.

I eventually fell asleep In the car, the whole ride there...

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