Do I Love Him? Chapter 4

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S: we're here!!

A: Dove we're here! wake up!

*he slapped my leg*

D: leave me alone!!


A: no! wake up! wake up! wake up!

D: mom tell him to stop!!

S: sweetie you need to wake up, and look around. Its amazing here!

I sat up and took out my head phones, looking out the window.

D: mom roll down the window!

I stook my head out the window. this really hot guy looked at me smiling and waving.

I smiled back, but I didn't wave.

D: whoa...

I saw the beach and tall buildings. Guys and girls in there bathing suit, playing volleyball.

A: what was that... [putting his hand behind his ear]

D: shut up Austin!

S: I knew she would like it. ~looking at Austin nodding and smiling~

D: ugh...

*we finally got to the condo*

we got out the car and walked into the lobby.

desklady: hi welcome to the great LA lodge! How may I help you today?

S: uhh yes, we rented a condo.

desklady: okay what's your name.

S: Sandy Coble

while my mom was giving information we looked around a bit.

S: I got the keys!!

We each got a key, just in case.

S: I'm gonna go unlock the door, you and Austin start getting bags.

I went outside to the car and grabbed my bag.

I started walking up the stairs.

all of a sudden two guys runs down stairs, the second guy nocked my bag out of my hands.

The bag happened to not be zipped up.everything fell out.

D: oh my gosh. of course...

?: oh shit! sorry about that!

he looked in my eyes.

?: here let me help you.

D: thanks but no thanks.

*he took out his hand like he wanted to shake mine*

C: My names Chase. Yours?

D: why would you want to know?

C: because when I see a beautiful girl like you, I got to know there name.

*I blushed a little*

D: Dove

C: cool name. wait.... your the girl I saw in the car!

D: oh yea... I guess I am.

C: How long you staying here?

D: why should you know?

C: I don't know maybe we can hang out or something.

D: I think not. [I started walking up a little]

C: wait!

I looked down at him

C: do you want to go to party with me? like a date?

D: What?! are you crazy, I just met you! you could be like a rapist or a kidnapper! I'm sorry but no.

C: please.....I promise I'm not either one of those. hahaha

D: there are prettier girls in LA than me, for sure

C: no there's not, your one in a million.

*I blushed a little*

D: I'm sorry but no!

C: okay, guess I'll see you around.

He walked down the stairs, and I starred at him while he did.

A: Take a picture it will last longer.

D: shut it!

I walked up stairs and went to my room, I unpacked and went to the living room and sat on the couch.

My mom was in the kitchen unpacking everything.

S: did you know they have a water park, indoor!

D: what? really!

S: yea, you and Austin can go tomorrow but today we have to unpack.

D: okay.

~2 hours later~

S: dinners ready!

I got up off the couch and went to the kitchen.

Austin walked in with only underwear on.

D: eww dude get some clothes on.

A: shut it! Hey... did you talk to Rachel for me.

*I put both my lips in my mouth and widden my eyes and walked away from him*

A: oh my gosh, you promised!

D: I know! I know! it's just with whole accident with Jenna I didn't think about it!

A: ughh, luckily I have her facebook name. you have to send her a long message about me! Tommarow!

D: okaaaaayyyah....


After I got done eating I went to bed.


The next chapter and the next chapter and the next chapter are all longer than the ones that you just read.

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