my fantastic weekend

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Hi humans.

Today I didn't know what to do, and I was having a lil mental breakdown because of school, but I didn't want to stay in bed all day thinking about how bad my life is. So I jumped on my feet (actually not really cause I have aches because of the sport we did at school yesterday), and I took a fAt shower. Very hot shower. You know those showers when, when you're out of your bathroom you look like a crayfish. After this shower I made some rice because it was time to eat. (fun fact : I eat rice when I'm sad.)

AND BE READY COZ I have a lil story to share. Actually two stories. It's not even stories it's just anecdotes, ANYWAY :

- first : yesterday I came to school, like, every day. And I had my headphones with me, music is life I can't spend more than one day without music. And guess what, at the end of the first class, I realized that my bag was open and that my headphones weren't in my bag anymore. I thought it was a joke but no one took my headphones. So I was sad, but not so sad, just sad.

- At the end of the same day (lots of things happened on that day), my last class was maybe the worst class I have : latin. I was with two friends, we were about to go out of this jail when I saw a car that looked exactly like my parent's car. I told my friends "this car really looks like mine". and then I said "I wish it could be my mum and she'd say, LET'S FREAKING GO TO MACDONALD'S." it was my mum's car. I asked her if we were going to Macdonald's and she said no. we were going to get our cat because he has been casted. Poor baby.


When I was preparing the rice I had a brilliant idea. what if I make pancakes. But I had one problem : if I do make some pancakes, I'll don't have chocolate or stuff like that to put on them. we have literally NOTHING to put on the pancakes, except sugar. BUT I WANTED CHOCOLATE AND NOT SUGAR.

So I had another idea, I can make salty pancakes. Because you can eat them with butter, eggs, bacon... but I didn't have all those things. the conclusion was : I had to go outside to buy chocolate.

So I went outside in the afternoon with my mum and my dad. I went out in my pyjama btw cause i don't have time.

I GOT THE CHOCOLATE. and of course I made the pancakes before.
And we also took smoothies, i really love smoothie.

The end of the story is that the pancakes were really good and we ate them in peace.

All of that happened last week actually. Now i'm hungry so i'm gonna eat, enjoy LiFe. <3

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