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Jack and Elsa sat together until the sun began to peak over the surrounding mountains.

"I didn't realize how long we've been talking." Jack said, looking at the pink sky.

"Neither did I" Elsa yawned.

They leaned on the railing of the balcony, where they had moved to at some point in the night.

"I probably need to go." Jack said, looking over at her.

"Do you have to?" She asked, her blue eyes meeting his.

He smiled, "I'll be back." He promised, floating over the balcony's edge. "Goodbye, I guess."

"Goodbye." She smiled.

Jack floated away, letting the wind just carry him, still looking at her, until he floated out of sight. Turning around, he felt strangely giddy at the thought of returning to the castle later in the day.

However as he continued flying, his mind drifted off to the strange incident that had happened when he'd first met Elsa the day prior. He still remembered the tightness in his chest, being unable to breath or do anything.

Just thinking of the occurrence made his heart quicken it's pace.

Shaking his head clear, he continued to fly through the mountains, the farther he got from Arendale, the less snow was visible on the tops of the tall mountains.

He continued until he landed in his home. The lake less than half a mile from the small town that had been I. The area longer that he could remember.

This was the one of the only areas Jack ignored the general weather rules. Due to his constant residency at this lake, the area was always cold in some way. However, as normal weather patterns still fraught their way through, he normally could only make it snow during the winter, along with late fall.

The moment Jacks bare feet landed on the leaf covered ground. He felt it again. Dropping to his knees, he dropped his staff and clutched his chest. He vaguely felt himself fall over into his side, his shoulder falling into the edge of the lake.

Tears squeezed their way through his tightly shut eyes as groans escaped his mouth.

Not for the first time Jack wished that someone could hear him. People would come help if they heard him.

In the hope that some one, any one, would hear him, he let out a weak, "Help!" His voice coming out strangled, and very unmanly.

"Anyone!" He begged, tightening his grip on his chest, "Please."

Much to his surprise, he heard someone's foot steps.

"I've got you!" A feminine voice he'd never heard before called to him. He could heard her running to his side, and felt her roll him into his back.

Opening his eyes slightly he saw a figure, unable to make out her features, he could swear her hair was blue.

"It's ok." She assured him, feeling his neck, "Just breath."

Like I wasn't trying to do that already, Jack thought to himself. But he did nothing, thought that had more to do with the fact that he couldn't say anything.

Finally, after what felt like years, the pain in his chest finally faded away, Jack was able to open his eyes and sit up.

It appeared his wasn't entirely wrong about the woman's hair. It was blue, except her hair was feathers. As was the rest of her body.

"My names Toothiana!" She smiled, after assuring he was alright, "But the mortals have taken to calling me the Tooth Fairy."

"Jack Frost." He smiled shyly back, he looked around them. "Do you see my staff?" He asked, "It's a long stick with a hook of the end"

Toothiana looked around, then reached out behind her, and picked up the wooden staff. Handing it to him frost traveled down the wood.

Looking up at the sky Toothiana sighed, "I really need to keep going, I'm already behind schedule but," She looked at him, "Are you going to be okay?"

"I'll be fine." Jack Assured, waving her off, in a few minutes I'll be up and flying around.

Toothiana smiled and stood up, "It was nice meeting you Jack." Then fluttering her translucent wings, she's was up in the air.

Once again alone, Jack looked out over his lake. In two days he'd met two new people, but with neither of them there with him, Jack felt more alone and confused that ever.

The Cold Never Bothered Me Anyway (Rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now