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100 years later

He flew through the sky. Wind blowing through his silvery hair. A smile was stretched across his pale face.

Jack Frost's stomach did a flip as he dove downwards into a snowstorm.

His long brown cloak flapped around his legs, the hood hitting his back.

Flying through the storm, he looked around in confusion. As far as he knew, he was the only one that could control the snow, and it was the middle of July.

He fought his way through the winds, he'd never felt some so hard to control. Finally, he met the end of the storm. In front of him was a mountain. One of the tallest he'd seen in his one hundred years. However, that's not what caught his attention. At the top of the mountain was a delicately beautiful castle, made of ice.

He flew as fast as he could to the castle. Perhaps if there was someone with the same powers as him, there was someone that could see him. 

Landing on the castles front steps, he marveled at the structure.

Running his hand over the smooth ice, the doors opened, seemingly on their own.

"Hello?" He called, looking around the room.

"Who are you?" A voice called.

Jack spun around, standing at the top of the staircase was a woman. Her platinum blonde hair in a long braid with little snowflakes stuck in the twists of the braid. She wore a lavish blue dress, that darkened as it reached the floor.

Her blue eyes followed him as he stepped forward, "You, You can see me?" Jack asked.

The woman stared at him before answering, "Why wouldn't I be able to see you?"

He didn't say anything, how could he explain a situation such as his?

"Tha-" He didn't get to finish his sentence.

Pain, unlike any other filed his chest. He couldn't breath! Black dots danced across his vision. He vaguely comprehended dropping his staff falling to the floor.

The woman ran down the stairs, stopping by his side. She reached out for him, but at the last second tore her hand away.

"Sir?" She asked, panic raising her voice, "Can, Can you hear me?"

Jack tried to choke out a "Yes", but no sound came out his mouth. He attempted to nod, but it only came off as exaggerated twitching.

Finally the pain subsided, his chest loosened and he could open his eyes.

The woman sat next to him, wringing her hands.

"Are, Are you okay?" She asked

"I think so." Jack muttered, his chest still sore, "Sorry for scarring you."

"No it, it's okay." She reaches to his right and picked up his staff, "You dropped this."

He smiled at her, "Thank you." He told her taking it. The wood was instantly covered in frost. The woman jumped back slightly at seeing the ice. Using the staff to steady himself Jack stood up, frost shooting out the end.

The woman jumped up to her feet, nearly tripping over her cape.

With her standing so close to him, Jack got a better look at the dress, "Is that, made of ice?" He asked

She looked at him in alarm, "Um," She looked down at her dress, "Yes, it is."

"Aren't you cold?" He asked her, if she was mortal, which she seemed to be, she could potentially get very ill wearing a dress made of ice.

"I, I don't really get cold." She answered very quietly, pushing a nonexistent hair behind her ear.

Odd Jack thought to himself.

"You never answered my question." She said suddenly, making eye contact with him, "Who are you?"

"Oh!" He smiled, "I'm Jack Frost!"

The woman furrowed her eyebrows, "How did you find me?"

"I uh, followed the weird snowstorm taking place in July?" He answered, feeling confused, "What's your name?"

"You mean you don't know?" She asked, narrowing her eyes

"No?" He answered, taking a step back, "Should I?"

"Maybe not." She muttered, "My name is Queen Elsa of Arendale. What country are you from?"

What did she mean by what country? Didn't she know?

Roughly ten years after Jack was, born, he came across a group of three people that called themselves guardians. Santa Clause, Sand Man, and his least favorite, the Easter Bunny.

Santa, or North as he preferred to be called, had explained to him that people would only see him if they believed in him. The problem? No one believed in Jack Frost, hardly anyone talked about him.

"You're joking right?" Jack asked Elsa

"No I'm not!" She snapped, sounding offended.

This woman was an odd one, that Jack was sure.

"I'm Jack Frost!" Jack explained tapping his staff in the ground, "Spirit of Winter?"

"My country doesn't believe in spirits." Elsa snapped. He braid bounding off of her shoulder.

He wasn't sure what to think of this supposed Queen. He still didn't understand her apparent powers. If she didn't believe in him, how could she see him? Perhaps North had been wrong.

A/N: I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter. It was a little more dialogue heavy then I'm used to, so my apologies if any of that sound a little off. Let me know if there's anything you think I need to fix, I'm always looking for ways to improve my writing.

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