Chapter 9:

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Brian's POV

The door slammed in my face.

What the hell was that?

I debated walking in to see if she was alright, but I had a feeling that would only make things worse.

I slowly turned and walked to my car.

And I left.

- - - - -

A few days later

Jimmy's POV

Something was seriously wrong with Syn.

I mean, sure he would still talk the way he always did, but his eyes screamed that he was in pain.

Me, being his best friend, i could always see when he was upset, even when nobody else could.

Brian Haner Jr. was a pretty tough dude, but even he couldnt be so trong all the time.

I walked over to him while he was working on the Afterlife solo.

The rest of the guys had gone to getsomething to eat, and i stayed behind.

"Hey man. What's going on?" I sat in a chair next to him and slapped my hand on his shoulder.

He continued to play. "Nothing."

I sighed. This was gonna be hard..

"Come on bro, i havent seen you this sad since, Matt kicked your ass at Halo."

He flipped me off and smirked. There was the Syn i knew.

"I fucked things up with Amber. Big time." He said after a minute.

He then, proceeded to tell me about how he kissed her, and she slammed the door in his face.

"Wow man.. I'm real sorry.

Looks like it was time for Jimmy to do some meddling....

- - - - - -

Amber's POV

I am such an idiot.

I can't believe that i just left Brian on my doorstep.

I fucking hate myself.

I had spent the whole rest of that night crying.

Molly was lying on my bed with me, a look of concern in her eyes.

She was, without a doubt, my best friend.

I had been hulled up in my house for a couple days. I didn't want to go into work, and deal with other people's problems. I knew that was very selfish, but at the time, i didn't care.

I was watching Scrubs with Molly when my doorbell rang.

Molly started barking uncontrollably, but when she got to the door she stopped and sat down, tail wagging.

I had never, ever seen that before.

I opened the door and saw what made Molly so happy.

She ran up to Jimmy, wagging her tail so fast, I thought it would fall off.

My heart gave a tight squeeze when I saw him.

Already, he was a very good friend of mine.

"Hey Jimbo." He walked in and I smiled as he gave me the usual bear-hug. I was glad i was getting used to the,. They were a great comfort.

"So, what brings you here?" I said as he ended the hug.

"I am here, once again, on behalf of the great Synyster Gates." He smiled and went to sit on the couch, with Molly close on his heels.

I sat next to him. "What do you mean?"

"Well, he told me what hapoened... And i hate seeing him lile this.. he hates himself. He thinks he fucked up, so i want to see what he did wrong."

I looked down.

I knew that I could tell Jimmy what happened that night, so many years ago.. I could feel it in my heart, that he would understand.

So i did. I told him everything. I had started tearing up about halfway through. But I never cried.

I felt strong. I felt that by telling someone, i was showing the memories that i was not afraid of them. That they no controll over me, at least for the moment.

I didnt look up at Jimmy the whole time. I was too afraid to see his expression.

Then, finally, I did.

- - - - - -

Two chapters in two days?? I am on a roll!!!

I still cant believe that my little story has gotten 1000 reads!! That is insane!!!

Thank you guys so much for your comments and votes!!! They mean so much to me!!

As always, i hope you enjoy!! Just a little filler :)

Please comment and vote!!!

Love you guys!"

XOXO/ Kenna

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