Chapter 15: Odious Option

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Yoongi's POV

Days turn to weeks and soon enough, weeks turn to months. It's been almost two months since the last time Hani was ever seen awake from her deadly slumber. I'm growing especially impatient, we all are, but there is nothing we can do. All that can be done, is being done, it just doesn't seem to be enough. Everyday seems longer and longer by the minute, every night, it gets more and more difficult to catch up on sleep. The atrocious anxiety deprived everyone of sleep to the point of exhaustion. The rest of Bangtan and I have been on hiatus since the accident, we've completely vanished, but that's the least of our worries.

We've always left a member of the maknae line in charge of watching Hani through the night because Solji had to go back home to rest, no matter how much Jin had to argue with her in order to have her leave and rest. The maknaes being the closest thing to nocturnals that we have, so they end up keeping us updated. Basically, all they had to do was sleep there and if anything went wrong, they were the ones in charge of retrieving the doctors, but they added some extra duties: whoever was in charge, they had to make sure Hani was nice and warm, courtesy of Park Jimin.

What pisses me off is that every day, every damn day; we got the exact same results. "She doesn't seem to be showing any early signs of waking up at the moment, we are just going to have to wait a little longer. These kinds of things don't just take a couple of hours, it can take up to a year." That's all we get. I can tell that LE and the others are also getting just as frustrated with all of this. They have thousands of awards waiting for them back at their studio, but they know it's all just a pity party. The sky hasn't stopped crying since the variety fairy was set into her coma. All of South Korea seems to be in a bust since the news: billboards dedicating her, her smiles lining the windows of every store, and even various memorials that range from Banana Culture's studios, to St. Grace Hospital that she stays in. Paper white roses symbolizing her purity, along with exotic vibrant lavenders and blue delphiniums, even small stuffed animals that rest against her boxy smile of a solid gold frame. News articles are flooding social media about her, magazine articles publishing her name for publicity, shamelessly waltzing into her hospital room to snap her photograph, not even taking consideration of whom the photos may reach and how it would affect them. All it taught me is that people will do whatever they can to gain fame and fortune, even if it's napping the photo of a half dead woman.

I never let people into the room when I'm in charge. Come on people, this girl, her members, her family and friends are in misery right now and all you want to do is invade her privacy, snapping pictures of her vulnerable state to remind the world that she's hanging by a thread? I get that people may want to be updated about her condition, but some people just don't understand how much this really affects the people that are actually, personally close to Hani. All of BTS, Monsta X, the rest of EXID, ect.; we are all so sick and tired of people asking us how we feel about Hani being in a coma for a month. How do you think we feel? How do you think we are taking it? We aren't happy, that's for sure. We are suffering. Call me selfish, call me an asshole, but can't people just understand that not everyone is taking this as well as others and the various bullshit articles are just adding to the pain.

My rude thoughts stumble the moment I hear the door being pushed people, I already know it's the doctor so I stand from the chair and stroll out of the room with my hands shoved in my jacket's pockets, then getting to the room next door to let everyone know that the doctor is in the room with her. As expected, everyone is in EXID's room, waiting for the word of the doctor, which we all know is going to be the same thing we heard yesterday, and the day before.

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