Chapter 7: Broken Brothers

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Jimin's POV 

Days have passed already, I don't know how many but it feels like its been years since the 'Variety fairy' has even opened an eye. 

It's saddening to watch as time flies by around her and she's still stuck in the bed in a never ending slumber. 

Solji comes by every now and then, sitting next to Hani and softly playing with her hand and hair, as if she is trying to wake her up early. 

An impatient sigh slips from my plump lips as I seat myself in the solid, plastic, navy blue seat, right beside the bed. 

Jungkook is usually the one to sit here, but right now he went to get breakfast while Namjoon and Shownu talk to the doctor about Hani's condition. 

Without looking back, I hear the quiet click of the heavy door, heaving open, the rustling of plastic also cutting through the silence. My finger roaming to fix her breathing mask seems to be lopsided, gently tugging on the left side to even it out. 

"I'm here Noona!" A low, raspy voice announces through the sounds of gifts being set to the tile floors. It was Got7, I know it. 

The tall lean male with short, dark roasted chestnut hair being the first to approach the sleeping woman, Jackson Wang. 

"Why does she have headphones on?" he asks, staring directly at Taehyung, who unconsciously scroll through twitter on the far side of the room, right next to the sky-line displaying window. 

"Solji Noona told me that Hani Noona likes to listen to soft music to put her to sleep, so I made a playlist that she can listen to while she sleeps." Taehyung admits innocently. 

Out of everyone, I admire Tae's kindness towards Hani Noona, making sure that she can peacefully listen to music. A lot people have shown nothing but kindness towards Hani's condition, bringing her millions of flowers, plushies, cards, even books, knowing that she loves to read and that when she wakes up, she probably won't be able to walk for a while. 

"Oh Taetae! You're just too sweet." Hobi Hyung comments from behind BamBam. 

"Do you want to talk to her?" I ask, not breaking my zoned out stare into Hani's limp hand that dangled from the side of the bed. 

"Yeah, sure." Jackson huffs gently, but not in a disappointed way, more like a pained and nervous way. 

The chilling air of the blasted AC, brings my attention to Hani's stiff form once again. Her body petite figure is hardly covered by the thin sheet that I call a sorry excuse for blanket. 

I clutch my hands to the side handle on either side of the chair, sluggishly pulling my weight till I'm standing straight up. 

"Where you going?" Yoongi Hyung questions, his body leaning against the wall and his arms crossed, like some cliche bad boy in a stupid drama.

"Get Noona some blankets, it's freezing in here and this is all they gave her." I hiss out to in a complaining manner. 

"When did you guys start calling Hani 'Noona'?" Mark chuckles out, as he reorganizes the mountain of teddy bears that litter the floor around Hani's bed. 

"Well, since she's close to Jin, we consider her to be close to all BTS members, Monsta X as well considering Shownu and Noona have been friends for a while. You know what they say 'you're close to one of us, you're close to all of us.'" I smile cheekily, before strolling to the door. 

I take a quick glance at the Monsta X members who fill the room as well, Changkyun being the nearest to the door. 

"Mind if I come with? I wanna get some extra pillows, that one is getting pretty worn down." the Maknae of Monsta X asks shyly, he was very polite and caring, he always made sure that all EXID members were comfy, even if he was a little bit awkward. All Monsta X members provide something for the sleeping woman. Kihyun being the over protective mother figure, along with Jin hyung, always making sure that Hani wasn't crowded and that her body was positioned comfortably. 

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