Chapter 11: Sorrows Of A Sister

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  Jin's POV

Silence slicing through the oxygen, choking us all, breathless as we continue to watch the persistent rise and fall of Heeyeon's chest, with every breath she takes. 

  The tension floods the cramped room like deadly smoke, filling our lungs and minds till we have to leave, it's unbearable. 

 Dammit, Heeyeon, why would you wake up already? Can't you see how much we are all suffering here? Why can't you just WAKE UP?

 Rage boils through my veins with every glance that I take, I don't understand why I'm so angry, she's my friend, I know she doesn't mean for things to be like this, but the fact that whether she wants to wake up, it pisses me off.  She can wake up, she just chooses not to, she's being selfish and won't though. 

  Do you see, Heeyeon? We are all suffering because of you. God, I just want to scream at you. 

My livid thoughts halt to a complete freeze once the door creaks open, revealing a distraught Ahn Hyojin.  The female's eye lining is red and swollen from the ocean of tears that drown her pupils, her back slouching forwards from the crutches, and a lifeless, dull sense in her eyes. We all stare as Hyojin trudges over to Heeyeon's side,  but Hyojin doesn't spare an ounce of acknowledgment to anyone but the lifeless female that slumbers in the white, plastic, wire-rigged bed. 

  "Hey, Heeyeon." Her whimpering voice calls out to the female, it is almost like she expects Hani to just shoot up and say 'Hey guys! What's up?' which we all know is very unrealistic.  The woman creeps towards her bandmate, with glassy orbs. The once intense, hard female was long gone, replaced with a tiny, shattered, light-hearted female that just desperately wanted her friend's eyes to flutter open once again. 

  Tae's capacious hands fall lightly to the pair of red headphones that flood Hani's mind with soft melodies, slipping them off of her head while Hyojin smooths down the chestnut brown locks of the EXID member. 

   "How are you feeling today? I'm sorry that Jeonghwa and I haven't visited, we really hate seeing you like this, you know that right?" Hyojin utters into Hani's right ear, replacing the symphonies with her caressing tone of voice. 

  "Can someone help me move her over? I want to lay with her for a while." Hyojin requests, her furrowed brows bring us to her command in less than a second. Wonho delicately grips on to Hani's hip, tugging her to the side of the bed while Jungkook scoops her by her hips, bringing up her shattered pelvis to make an easier transport. 

    Hyojin considerately, cautiously set her body to the side of Hani's slim frame. The rapper didn't hesitate to wrap her thin arms around Hani, tilting Hani's head to rest on to her shoulder, then resting her pointed chin on the mess of locks, her hands caressing Hani's -almost completely colorless- cheeks. 

    "Ms. Ahn, would you mind doing us a quick favor?" The middle-aged male with a lengthy white jacket asks. The man's monotone voice drains me of hope and pours in concern like tap water from a faucet. By the expression of concern that masks Hyojin's face, I can tell she is just as anxious as I am, we all are. Hyojin nods her head vigorously, instantly agreeing without even knowing what the task was. 

   "We need you to grip Heeyeon's hand, and keep speaking to her. Her oxygen is limited at this point and is laboring her breathing. We need to remove the mask and supply her with a breathing tube." The doctors explain as he strolls over to Hani and Hyojin, lifting Hani's hand to fit into Hyojin's, then closing it. 

   "Just keep speaking to her," he instructed. Hyojin immediately grasps Hani's hand, muttering words of encouragement as the doctor unplugged Hani's breathing supplies, while nurses shove passed us with a long, transparent, baby-blue tube that had the girth of an adult ball python. 

    Anticipation blows through the room instead of oxygen, it's a real risk to do something like this, even I know that. If this process takes too long for the mask to be replaced with the tube, Hani could die from lack of oxygen. 

    "If you all are going to be in here, we highly suggest that you all stand on the other side of Ms. Heeyeon, so that you aren't in the way and we can replace the tube quickly. " The nurse says considerately, knowing that we just want our friend's well-being. Without a second word command, like obedient dogs, we usher to the opposite side of Heeyeon's bed, so that we were right by her side. Pink hair makes it's way to Hani's unoccupied hand, taking in her small palm to his enormous hands. Hyungwon is pretty well known for his big hands, and sometimes they made the perfect comfort and security. Hyungwon's hand being so monstrous that Hani's hand is completely engulfed in it by the time he closes it. 

    Hyungwon's POV

      I scrutinize every movement the doctor and the two small nurses make, the stubby, wrinkled nurse fiddles with the mask that rests on Hani's nose and mouth, the tall, slender nurse tugging at the end of the tube of the mask. A creak -of the rusted valve on the fern colored, steel, the torpedo-shaped tank that sat on the bed-side- snaps me into a state of anxiety. Expeditiously, Hani's labored, shallow breathes transform into gasps for air, a hypoventilating state washes over her unconscious self. 

   Anxiety chokes us all as Hani struggles to catch a breath, causing the meter to explode into rapid beeping that displays the beats of her racing heart. The two nurses fumble with the new tube, plugging it in as quickly as they can. 

   "Come on Heeyeon, I know you can do this, I know its hard to breathe, but just hang in there. Just a little longer, I promise." Hyojin whispers into Hani's ear.  

Hey guys! Finally, I updated lol. Okay, not gonna lie to you, I have this story planned out already, but I don't know how long it should be. I don't know whether to end it already or keep it going, so please guys, let me know what you think. 

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Love you and have a great day/night!


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