Chapter 1: The Award Show

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Hani's Point of view

The night was young, the sun had hidden itself not even two hours ago, letting the distant orbs of burning gas illuminate the sober sky above, the moon providing a halo-like aura in the center. The indistinct sound of the zooming cars rang in my ears, reminding me that I was now on my way to the 'Melon Awards Show' for 2018, where EXID and I were set to perform or new song 'Lady'. Silence filled the SUV like thick air, clouding the atmosphere around me, my members were occupied with their hand-held devices, not even bothering to take a glance at one another, each one, hypnotized by the demon called 'Social media' that seemed to run or lives these days.

I appeared to be the only one who didn't have my eyes glued to a bright screen, my hands just fiddling with the hem of my broad, powder-blue, pullover sweater that spread over my kneecaps like a sea that sat in my lap, my phone being abandoned at my left side, between the dirty-blonde maknae of EXID and myself.

My mind wondering to aimless thoughts that would absolutely get me nowhere in life if I knew the answer to, but they still plagued my mind like an illness with no cure.

It wasn't till a slap on my slender upper thigh made me drop my useless curiosities to a halt, bringing my blue orbs up to suspect, who was no one other than a cackling maknae, named Park Jeonghwa. "Aish, what was that for?" a groan slipping though my pink lips as I continue to watch her break into a other wave of unknowing laughter, staring at her stupidly. "Unnie, this is what you look like right now." The young woman sneers, then breaking out into moronic expression, her face drooping down as if she were a lost child in an algebra lesson, mimicking my previous expression.

I purse my lips tightly, averting my attention to the back of the seat in front of me, attempting not to break into my own session of laughter, but am unsuccessful, a rumbling coming up my throat, forcing my mouth open, releasing a snorting sound that followed by obnoxiously loud chortling that had broken the peaceful silence like steel-toed boot on thin ice.

I'm met with a scowl from the main rapper of EXID, Ahn Hyojin, otherwise known as LE, her smoky strands of her falling over her face as her cold, dark eyes met with my lively, bright orbs, immediately causing my laughter to cease.

"You made me lose my game! I was on my last life!" she whines, shaking her head side-to-side furiously. She looks like a three year old that was being restraint was getting the newest toy in the aisle of Walmart, my smile twisting to a revolted expression, a frown that tensed my cheeks tightly.

The only thought reduplicating at this moment was: 'Why are you like this?', but honestly, there was no such thing as a normal person this group of five seemingly retarded females, we may be very intelligent, but there are times where we just look as if half of our brain cells were just dead-weight that floated in our heads.

At this point, Solji is bickering at Hyojin about how if she would have made a certain move, she would have gotten a higher score on the level, and Hyelin and Jeonghwa are transfixed on the small rectangular device that sat in the delicate hands of the umber haired female.

I let my head become limp, allowing it to lean against the transparent glass that separates me from the outside world. I focus on the buildings passed, one-by-one, trying to count how many rooms were lit in the darkness of the buildings, they stuck out like a bunch of blueberries that sat in a bowl of cherries.

My stomach was overturning for some unknown reason, it's an unexplainable feeling, it was like there was something bad that was going to happen, no matter what I tried to distract myself with, the feeling just sits there like a rock in a slow moving river, it was honestly making me feel very anxious.

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