Chapter 8

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I look over my shoulder and in the darkness I can make out a person. It's a girl.

"Natsu? is that really you?" they start to crawl to the cage door, but stop. I see them start to tug. I guess that that's as far as the chains go. They put their face in the lighting.

"Lucy!" I yell. Happy come flying down and he starts to do a little dance. I open the door and walk in. I embrace her into a hug. Her body is covered in blood and is freezing. "Happy, go get the others."

"Aye!" he flies away. I'm able to break the chains by melting them. I cup Lucy's face.

"Luce, I'm so glad I found you." I push my lips down on to hers. She groans in pain. "What's wrong Luce?"

"My entire body hurts Natsu."

"Can you walk?"

"No." I scoop her up in my arms and make my way up the stairs. I'm about to exit when the door slams shut. The stairs disappear and we fall.

"Ah!" we both yell as we're falling. We land in what seems like a pond. I swim over to a shore and pull Lucy up.

"Lucy, you alright?"

"Yes. I am." I pull her close to me as we lean up against a wall or a tree. I don't really know cause I can't see Jack shit down here!

"I'll protect you." I whisper as she wraps her arms around my body as well.

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For saving me. I knew you would."

"I would do anything for you Lucy."

"Awe! How sweet!" we hear another voice interrupt us.

"Who's there?" I yell, pulling Lucy closer.

"Someone you should be frightened of." He walks out of the darkness.

"Who are you?" I ask. Lucy's grip tightens on my shirt as she buries her face in my chest.

"You have something that belongs to me." he points to Lucy.

"She was never yours to begin with!" I yell. A few men walk out from behind him.

"Now, go get her." He says and they start towards us. I push Lucy gently behind me. I ignite fists with fire as rage takes over me.

"Over my dead body." One of them jumps towards me. "Fire Dragon Iron Fist!" I yell as I collide my fist with his gut. He flies back past the others. More men come out. It looks like there's a hundred of them!

"Natsu!" I hear Happy's cheery voice.

"Happy!" he flies down the hole and over to Lucy.

"Lushy, are you alright?" he sits in her lap. I hear a splash and look over to the pond. Erza, Wendy, Gray, and Gramps are swimming towards us.

"Lucy!" they all yell as they run over to her.

"Hey guys, how about we save the happy reunion for later. We've got company." They turn around and stand up next to me.

"Wendy, take care of Lucy." Erza says.

"Yeah sure!" Erza's hand glows as a sword appears. Gray takes his shirt off, like always. And Gramps stays back with Lucy and Wendy.

"Are you ready guys?" I ask.

"Yeah." They reply.

"Good! I'm all fired up!"

Sorry for the short chapter! It just seemed like a good place to end!

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