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Morning came pretty fast. Almost too fast for Toms liking as he sat eating breakfast. A constant scowl on his face.

"You know, Purple Army didn't have to wake up until 9am." Tom grumbled to Tord.

"Yeah? Well we're not the Purple Army." Tord countered with a smirk, amused at Toms attitude. "And stop with that face you're making me grumpy."

Toms face fell blank as he carried on eating breakfast.

Once they had finished eating, they started working. Seeing as how they were at a whole new base and everything had been moved around, they needed to get settled.

"Good morning, sir." A soldier walked towards Tord.

"Ah, Good morning Clive, I was expecting to talk to you. This is Tom my secretary, Tom this is Clive he was in charge of the base while we were gone."

Clive and Tom formally shook hands before Clive began to explain what the progress was.

Everyone had already seemed to have fit in. With the small amount of time they had been at the base, it made Tord a very proud leader.

"As you can tell they are doing very well and the soldiers that are being trained here are a day away from completing their tasks. They should be able to go to the American front lines in no time."

"And I supposed we have a list of people wanting to become soldiers?"

Clive looked down at the book in his arms and frowned. "Yes sir but there is a woman who wants to join the base."

"A woman? Can she fight?"

"Very well sir and she's only 19! Can you believe that?"

Tom and Tord looked at each other. It was quite unique and although the Red Army didn't specify gender of soldiers, Tord was unsure of whether to let a female join. Some men can be ruthless sometimes.

As if reading Tords mind, Tom spoke "I think if shes wanting to be a soldier, than surely she knows what's in store. Plus she has good combat skills so she'll be able to take care of herself."

"That's true. Sir, I think you should accept it. It's a good opportunity. God forbid her trying to join the governments army."

Tord nodded his head in acknowledgment "Very well then."

After the confirmation Clive went off to do his work. "There's some other people I want you to meet." Tord grabbed Toms hand and led him to the cafeteria area.

As they made their way in, there was hardly any people in there so it was pretty quiet. However some lingered behind.

Though, as Tom walked in he couldn't believe his eyes. There sat at a table in Red Army Uniform was Matt and Edd. Overwhelmed with happiness, tears of joy flowed from his eyes.

Letting out a sniffle, Matt and Edd turned to the newcomers and their faces instantly brightened.

"Tom!" They shouted in unison.

Tom didn't respond but quickly ran towards them, engulfing them in a hug.

"What are you two doing here!?"

Tord walked over and placed a hand on Toms shoulder leading him to sit down in a seat.

"Well we were approached by some people saying we have a chance to see you again. That was as long as we joined the army in one way or another. So I decided to become a graphic designer and Matt is going to be helping out in the training area." Edd explained after he and Matt sat across from Tord and Tom.

Tom couldn't believe what he was hearing, did Tord plan all this!?

"Did you do this?" Tom turned to Tord who smiled slightly and nodded.

Tom hugged him tightly catching the man off guard "Thank you."

Then as quickly as he initiated the hug, he broke away and turned back to talk to Edd and Matt.

A wave of coldness hit Tord and for a split second he wondered if bringing Edd and Matt here was a good idea. He wanted Tom to be happy but Tord was a selfish person and wanted Tom to himself. All attention on him. That's why he built the Red Army in the first place. To get attention.

Now he was worried that all of Toms divided attention would go to the new comers of the group.

"It's time to get back to work soldiers, Tom come."

Tom looked at Tord surprised "but we just got here!"

"Yes and we all need to get back to work. You'll be able to see them another time."

Tom frowned and looked over at Matt and Edd who were already stood up. "I guess this is goodbye, I'll see you two at lunch."

The men spilt off into their pairs and walked opposite ways.

"Y'know that was rude of you Commie." Tom huffed. "We didn't even finish talking yet you felt the need to interrupt. Tord I love you, so you don't have to worry. Okay?"

Tord nodded and carried on down the hallway, holding Toms hand in his own as if he was going to run away. Tom sighed realising this but decided against saying anything about it.

With Edd and Matt there, it was going to be harder for Tord to accept that he'd have to share Toms presence with his old friends. That was the sad truth. At least Toms happy, right?

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