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"Evening soldiers. I called this meeting today as some of you may know, Thomas Timston and Hunter Ruina was taken from the base. I want to know what the security situation was as it was up to high standards yet they still managed to get through. I will personally see to it that the security will be top notch for the future. I want the communications team to investigate the emails sent and the instructors to double training standards. I'll also be doubling the security and the guards, along with spies in the forest 24 hours around the clock. A schedule will be made. Any objections?"

No soldiers dared to speak up against Tord. All too awed by the dominance of his voice. A true leader.

"None? Good. I expect to hear the results soon."

It had been 2 days since Tord held the meeting and 3 since Tom and Hunter were taken. Quite frankly, it had put the Red Leader under a lot of stress, which was expected.

Tord was currently sat at his desk, his paperwork left forgotten as he absentmindedly stared out of the window at the forest. The soldiers he had sent to keep a low profile while in the forest were doing a poor job to keep hidden. That's not to say they were hiding in obvious places but Tord could make them out, so surly others might? He would need to check in on that.

A knock at the door interrupted his thoughts and he looked over in time to see it open a crack. It was Adam.

"Sir, we have found out some information."

This got Tords full attention. He beckoned Adam to come to his desk, looking at him expectedly.

"We have traced back to where the email was sent, took us a while but we managed to figure it came from a computer in France. The location of a small cafe called 'Places De Café'"Adam read of a clipboard which he then showed to Tord.

"Sneaky bastards. They knew we'd trace them so they set it up in a place like that. Well who new Yellow Leader could be that clever."

"About that, we found out it wasn't Yellow Leader who took them. It was Purple Leaders Army."

Tord didn't look as surprised as you'd think.

"That son of a bitch! He took him out of jealously how pathetic is that!? We need to find out where the Purple Base is get your section to help out. I want everyone on this."

"Sir, we have reason to believe that Yellow Army and Purple Army are Woking together. Seeing as how you refused allies with Yellow Army, they didn't take it very well. My cousin Violet who works to make the uniforms for Yellow Army contacted me saying none of the soldiers from that base left to come here. She happened to be delivering the uniform on that day."

"Do you know the whereabouts of the Yellow Army Base?"

Adam nodded. Now that he knew what he knew, he could take some action and get a plan sorted. It didn't mean that he wasn't stressed though, if anything this would give him more.


"Yes, sir?"

"When are the Norwegian soldiers arriving?"

"They are meant to be here within the next 4 hours."

4 hours is enough time for Tord to get let all his soldiers know the plans and get all equipment and vehicles ready.

"Thank You soldiers. Adam mail me the whereabouts of the Yellow Base. We set out an hour after the soldiers get in, Pat can you announce that."

Both soldiers nodded and stood with a salute before leaving. Instantly, thoughts consumed Tords mind. He wasn't so much angry, this thing was bound to happen at some point, he just didn't know it'd be so soon. Especially after he'd just got Tom back.

Tom, to Tord, is like an energy source, when he's around, Tord doesn't stop. Without him there, he just feels empty. The Red Leader had no idea how he managed to survive 5 years without his love. Sure, he missed Tom but it seems The End clouded that.

Now that he had him back, he just couldn't figure out how he let him go so easily.

The letters he would send to Tom relieved a bit of that actually. And even though Tom never wrote back, a part of him knew Tom was reading them and it weirdly put him, even if a little, at peace.

So with the little bit of time left, he got out a piece of paper and a pen and started writing. It probably won't ever get to Tom but he wrote anyway.

My Dearest Tom,
        All I have to say is that I'm sorry. I'm sorry my defences we're down. I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you. I'm sorry I wasn't able to keep you from getting taken.
In a way, I know this is my fault. If I hadn't of brought you here, you wouldn't have to deal with, god knows what they're doing to you. I just hope you aren't in any pain.
Right at this moment, I have soldiers coming in from Norway. I have everyone trying to save you, to get you back.
I miss you so much Thomas.

Tord has to take a breather when he noticed wet dots on the page; smudging some writing. He hadn't cried in years.

I want you back. No I need you back. I'm supposed to be the fearsome strong leader but you're my kryptonite. My weakness. I have no idea how I managed the 5 years without you, I guess a part of me thought writing letters would help me. Oh how naive.
Hold tight my love, we're coming to get you.
I love you so much.
All my love,

With that he put his pen down and read over the letter. Even if it was the worst, the cheesiest letter ever, he never changes it.

He may be a very strong leader who is rumoured to have no feelings but he believes that the first words are always the most true ones.

He took the letter and walked around his desk to the rug. Lifting it a bit, he typed in the code to a hidden safe only he knew the code to.

In the safe was a few different compartments, one for business plans only his closest soldiers are aloud to see, one with very top secret plans that only him and his right hand man(s) can see and lastly his personal belongings part.

With the letter in one hand, he lifted the latch to his personal belongings part and was instantly greeted with a picture. It was a picture he adored and one that kept his going.

It had him and Tom sat at Toms window. The latter was sat between Tords legs, with his back resting against his chest. Tord has one arm around his lovers stomach and another in his hair while while Tom slept. What made the picture even more magical was the setting sun that seemed to glow around their figures. Edd was the one who snapped the picture while walking by the room. Later showing to Tom and having it print out as a Christmas present for Tord, even if Tom didn't celebrate it.

He placed the picture down with the letter and closed the safe.

Thinking he had moped around enough, he set out on his task to get his Tom back.

Letters from himWhere stories live. Discover now