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Tord sat combing a metal hand through Toms hair. The helicopter had already took off to their destination which was the Norway Base. Now that The Purple Army and Yellow Army knew exactly where the England Base was, they'd now have to move.

Tom was really frail and very very skinny. The man is originally skinny but this is something else. He'd have to force him to eat a whole feast once they get back.

A couple of hours had passed when Tom started to stir, Tord knew they were close to his base but there was still a bit to go. Tom groaned and sat up, looking to Tord only for his to realise he couldn't.

He stared breathing heavily. While at he Purple Base he didn't really have time to panic about his lost eye sight because he was so preoccupied with obvious other things. He also knew it was going to happen but now that he couldn't see Tord he realised how bad it is.

"Tom? Tom what's wrong?" Tord put both hands on Toms shoulder.

"I-I can't see! Tord I can't see!" Tom had tears sprouting from the corners of his eyes. Upon further recognition, Tom realised he didn't have his goggles on. "Where's my goggles!?"

"They were smashed when you fell, love. Once we get back, we'll be able to make a replica. Just hold tight and calm down."

The harsh breathing had him passed out once again against Tord.

"Paul, when we get to the base, I want you to give this to the Techs so they make another."

"Yes sir."

They made it to the base in the evening. Landing on the helipad that was set on top of one of the watch towers, Tord carried Tom out and went immediately towards his quarters.

Being the leader of the biggest army in the world, the Red Leader has a section within each of his bases. All suited for his taste.

Once making it to his part, he put Tom in his room. In the other base Tom had requested his own room but Tord wanted to be a tad selfish and set him in his own room. Which is what he did.

Unsurprisingly Tom hadn't woken again up during their journey and even when he was picked up, he hardly stirred. His lack of food and all the injuries he had sustained, was to blame.

Brushing some hair off his forehead, Tord leaned down to peck him there. It was a simple gesture but it brought back so much nostalgia. To the times he held Tom while he slept or how they'd cuddle while they watched a film.

Easy times.

It was different now though, he had an army to lead and that meant things can't be back to the ways it used to be. Being the leader that's something he'd accepted and had to deal with.

After tucking Tom into his bed, he decided to check the progress on the goggles. His tech people were very prestigious and could get things done much quicker. For instance if the goggles had taken 48 hours to make by someone else, it could take his techs 2 hours.

As soon as he entered the lab he was bowed and saluted to. Being the leader he is, he had earned himself a lot of respect from soldiers everywhere.

"Sir the goggles are ready." The lead tech announced as the leader made his way in.

"Thank you soldier." Tord simply grabbed the item and made his way through the training area just to see how the Norwegians were holding up in this base. Watching others fight made him proud knowing it was for his army.

"Marius." Tord nodded to the soldier. Marius is the lead trainer for this base. Being the leader he had to know who leads what in each base. "How are our new recruits doing."

"A little more practise and they will be ready to go. You know, the recruits we are getting already have so much fighting experience so it's really easy to train them."

"Hmm. That's good to hear. Keep
Up the good work soldier." Marius  nodded and carried on his commands.

Seems like the base is doing really well. Above Tords standards and that's saying a lot.

His next stop was back to his room. Tom would be awake any minute and knowing him, he'd have another panic attack. Not only would he not be able to see, but there would be no one there to reassure him.

Expectedly, Tom was in fact stirring awake when Tord walked into the room. He couldn't make out Toms muttering as he woke from his slumber. 

"Tord?" He groggily called out after his muttering had stopped.

He had yet to call him commie or any other nickname.

"Right here. I have your fixed pair." Strapping them onto his face, Tom let out a sigh of relief and embraced Tord. The leader was very surprised Tom had initiated it.

"Thank you."

Tord simply smiled and decided to lay next to Tom. Staring at the opposite wall, he couldn't feel happier that Tom was finally warming up to him.


Happy Bonfire night fellow Brits.

It's weird but I flipping love bonfire night, it's one of my favourite nights of the year. Hope y'all enjoyed it.


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