Over Thinking Things

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Chapter Nine:

"Love me

  love me,

  say that you love me"

I sang into my room to one of my favorite Justin Bieber songs. It was five in the morning and as you probably can tell I didn't get much sleep last night. All I kept thinking was about that kiss that almost happened yesterday.

It's not that I didn't like Harry, In fact he was actually being a good friend. I just couldn't kiss him. What if he turned out to be like Josh, sweet and caring at first but then just wanting to hurt me at the end. I can't let that happen to me. Most importantly I couldn't let Harry like me. Being the flirt and

all in the band I don't thing he is the right one to be in a relationship with. He is usually the one who dates the most and gets the most flings so why would it be him. It's like going out with a guy that you know will dump you first chance he gets. Thats too much of a risk. However I could be wrong.

Anyway let's just forget about that subject shall we? I forgive Harry but from now on I'm going to put some space in between us.

Since I'm not working nor am I busy I think I might go out for a run. It will help me clear out my thoughts a little bit.

I went into my room and put on my basketball shorts along with a sports bra. I tied my hair into a tight ponytail so it wouldn't get in the way while I was running. I wouldn't normally let people see me in this but it's like five in the morning so who would necessarily be up? Exactly nobody, so I have nothing to worry about.

I made my way outside into the brisk cold air. It wasn't normally cold but It didn't matter since I would be running. I put my headphones in my ear as I began to run, escaping my thoughts.

(Harry's P.O.V)

Shit. What have I done? I shouldn't have done that last night. We we're getting along so well. It was the first time I actually wanted to get to know a girl and I screwed it up. She's probably thinking about my past right now and how I went out with so many girls with a snap of my finger.

"Are you ok mate" Louis barged into my room

"Um yeah" I hesitated "actually no I'm not." I said staring at the wall

"What's wrong?" I looked at him deciding wether or not I should tell him. "You could tell me anything, you know that right?" I sighed. "Yeah I guess"

It's just so difficult to explain. I never thought about a girl I've just met so much before. How could I tell him that I couldn't stop thinking about Emma.

"Lou?" I said looking straight at him. "Yes?"


"It's about that girl isn't it" The Doncaster boy questioned.

"Yes it is, I don't know what's going on but last night I tried to kiss her knowing it was a little too soon and she rejected me. I know I just met her but I feel like I've known her forever you know?"

"Strangely yes"

"I'm not sure if I like her or not but she's definitely different. Ohh gosh I'm starting to sound like those girls" I stressed pulling at my hair. "You know what Lou, I think I'll take a walk, you know to get this all off my mind." I looked at him.

"Ok just don't go too far we don't need fans knowing where we're staying plus it's still early if you ask me."

"Alright. I won't be out to long." I said as I went out of our little house, letting the cool breeze hit me.

(Emma's P.O.V)

I was out of breath almost nearing my little apartment. All I had was two blocks maybe? I've been running for about half an hour now and let me tell you, it helped me both physically and mentally. I haven't run this long since high school and  that was good. I also realized I have nothing to worry about. Harry probably has a girl frien- wait if he did have a girlfriend why would he try to kiss me. So much for the run. Ehhh why does life have to be so difficult. I'm probably just over thinking things. Yes that's it I'm over thinking things.

I was almost near the villa so I decided to close my eyes and run faster since

it looked like nobody was around. I enjoyed the fresh air it provided me, well

that is until I crashed into something or should I say someone,causing both me

and the stranger to fall on one another.

I groaned in pain. "Oi! I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention" I said in between pants of breath. "It's ok nether was I" I froze. Was it really who I thought it was? No No No.

"Harry?!" I screeched in shock, probably looking like I was about to pass out. "Emma?"

"What are you doing up so early" I asked him looking straight into his green orbs. "I could ask you the same thing"

"Yeah but-..your right" I told him giving up an argument that never really started. "Well I was going for a nice morning run, now what's your reason?" I questioned

"I was going for a walk when you crashed into me" Harry stated while taking in his surroundings. He looked at me and it immediately made me feel uncomfortable. "Ohh that's nice" I said as things began to become awkward. I noticed our current position and I couldn't control the redness that rose to my cheeks. I was on top of Harry while he was underneath me observing my actions. I

was getting off of him when he stopped me and told me something.

"Emma, I'm really sorry about last night. We were having such a great time and I really enjoyed it. I like spending time together. It was wrong of me to go ahead and try to kiss you. It was too soon, It was wrong and It was crazy. I want to be friends Emma, I really do. Will you forgive me?" He said looking straight into my eyes, holding me like I would run away any second. Well I was on top of

him in the middle of the sidewalk, in a sports bra, our faces so close to one another's so why wouldn't I run?

Maybe I was wrong. He probably wasn't like how I described him to be. "Yeah I forgive you." I smirked while he grinned like the Cheshire cat. I soon found myself staring into his green eyes and before I knew it we both started leaning in. He looked down to my lips before looking back into my eyes as he leaned closer.  His lips eventually met mine as he smiled into the sweet, but short


As I broke the kiss smiling yet confused, I looked at Harry. He was wondering what I would do next. He was probably thinking I would run for my life but to his luck I didn't. I sat up confused at what I just did. Did I really just kiss him? I stared at Harry as he was sitting up on the sidewalk as well, looking at me. I spaced out thinking about what I just did. I was starting to stare at a building in front of me when Harry interrupted my thoughts asking a question I hope he never would ask.

"Will you go out with me?"


Hey guys sorry for the wait but here is the next chapter

This is dedicated to my good friend @Belieber_Directioner. She is my best friend on here and she is really nice. I personally think she is a good writer who needs to be noticed. She has this great story called 'The Curls Get The Girls' and you should read it. Its really good and has an amazing plotline which I love. Can you guys check it out for me? Maybe if you do It will give her the motivation to write the next chapter..eh

P.S Maybe the next chapter will be before Thursday as my I'm sorry gift and because I love you all

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