Breaking the News

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Chapter Two:  Breaking the news

“Emma Lily James’’ my principal blared from onstage. I got up from my seat and went up onstage where I shook my professor’s hand. I took my little rolled up paper they handed out to each and every student and sat down.

   After a couple of long, tiresome minutes they finally called all the graduates up stage. I took a glance at Josh he seemed pretty cool. Why was I the only one freaked out about this? He saw me staring at him and I waved. He didn’t seem fazed because as I recall he just rolled his eyes at me. Wait what?? He just rolled his eyes at me. I wonder what happened. An hour or so he was perfectly fine giving me compliments and now it looks like he dislikes me. I’m so getting on the bottom of this.

    I dug into my back pocket and whipped out my phone. 'what’s wrong with you' I texted Josh. In like what it seemed two seconds he answered back a response so dull.

Josh: 'Nothing'

Emma: 'Something’s obviously up. So spill'

Josh: 'Like I said nothing. Just drop it ok and leave me the hell alone. Ok!'

 Why was he acting like this I didn’t do anything wrong. He never told me to leave me alone. I walked up onstage and waited until I heard the principal say ''Ladies and Gentlemen the graduates of 2012'' as everyone threw their hats in the air.

   (Josh’s P.O.V)

   Why was Emma looking at me for? I’m really fed up at this point. This whole relationship was just based on a dare. All I really wanted to do was to get in her pants but no she makes sure nothing goes beyond holding hands. I never thought it would go this far and I don’t want it to. So I’m gonna set this right. or wrong. Whatever!  I don’t care I just gotta break up with that crazy chick. I have my male needs and right now it needs to be fulfilled. I noticed a buzz in my pocket and took my phone out. I realized it was a text from Emma that said ‘what’s up with you’. I replied and sent more texts until I texted 'Like I said before nothing. Just drop it ok and leave me the hell alone. Ok!'  

     After that I saw another pair of eyes on me, Brittany’s. Whoa she’s back am I dreaming? I thought she left forever but I guess I thought wrong. She saw me staring and waved along with a huge grin. Then what seemed like seconds she texted me.

''Are we on tonight sweetie? I missed you so much ;)'' my phone said. I grinned at the sight of this and replied quickly.

''Sure thing babe''

(Emma’s P.O.V)

   After the hats went up and fell unto the ground the Graduation Ceremony was finally done. Now all I have to do know is find my mom and we can head out to dinner. Oh wait I almost forgot, Let me go tell Josh first. I got off the stage and looked for Josh. I don’t know why but for some reason I couldn’t find him anywhere. Hmm maybe he is in our Biology teacher’s class. After all he said that was his favorite classroom because he found it comfortable. Yeah I’m definitely right he’s in there. I walked up to our biology room, opened the door and couldn’t believe my eyes.

There he was with Brittany sharing spit with only half of their clothes on. Since when was she back, I thought she left for good.

''J…J…Josh what are doing'' I practically yelled. Both him and Brittany froze but as soon as they saw me they went back to what they were doing before.  ‘Umm um …' was all that came out of his mouth surprisingly.

  I was shocked. He told me he loved me. This was all a lie wasn’t it; our whole relationship was a lie. I was beyond angry, I was hurt.

      ''Josh were done'' I yelled

     ''Good I never loved you anyway so bye'' he replied

     ''I hate you, you know that I never wanna see you again'' I yelled and with that I went out the room and slammed the door shut with my eyes pouring tears. I ran without looking back. That is until a pair of arms grabbed me.

''Sweetie where have you been? I’ve been looking everywhere for you. Wait what happened?''My mother asked when she noticed tears streaming down my face.

   ''J...J...Josh he... he cheated on me with B...Brittany. Was I not good enough? Am I not good looking? Am I ugly?'' I replied by now the tears were streaming down my face wildly.

   ''Sh shh its okay. Everything will be ok alright. You’re a beautiful young girl who deserves ten times better. You don’t deserve him, it’s his loss okay?'' My mom reassured me.

''Ok I replied'' ''Now let’s go to dinner'' she said and with that we soon walked to our car with her closely beside me.


The car ride was silent leaving me to my thoughts.

I’m done I thought to myself. I’m done with men. I’m never ever going to be in a relationship again. I will never allow this to happen again. I’m not gonna take any more chances for the sake of my feelings. Right now all I am going to do is fix my broken heart and focus about me. Me, myself, and I.

“Were here!” My mom shouted excitedly pulling me out of my thoughts.

We walked inside and were given a table. Shortly after a waiter came and asked us for our orders.

“What would you like to eat ladies?” he asked

“Um I would like a cheeseburger with a coke please” I said telling him what I wanted

''And you?'' He asked referring to my mom

''Oh yes. I will have a ceaser salad. Thank you''

''Ok I will be back with you orders in a moment'' he said and with that he turned around and left to put our orders in.

 I looked back at my mom and she was grinning from ear to ear. “What?” I asked

 “Ohh nothing” she replied “seriously mom what’s up” I asked again

“Well you see I was so excited about you becoming a lawyer that this is actually a surprise dinner because you’re going to Law school’’

 “Pardon me?’’ I said

 “Well I applied for you to go into law school a while ago and you got accepted. So you better start packing because you’re starting next semester. Isn’t that great’’ she replied

 Oh wow. Wait what?? She actually applied me for a school. Oh no. I gotta fix this. I’m gonna break the news to her right now and when I say now I mean now.

‘’Mom” I said

“Yes sweetie”

“I'm not going”

“Excuse me” she said sounding a bit confused

“I'm not going to law school”


Oh my gosh what will her mom say? What will she think?

Ok guys tell me what you think.

There was a lot of drama taking place in this chapter so tell me how you took it.

One more thing, I love crticism.

Yeah so comment, vote and fan

Peace, love, and continue drinking tea.

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