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Chapter Eight

Around the time I calmed down Harry decided to show up. He was late but it was ok I wasn't in a rush but still I crossed my arms and raised my eyebrow.

"Decided it was time Harry?" I said

"Umm yeah there was something I had to do" he said not looking me in the eye

I sighed "alright let's just go" I said getting up

I walked to my car with Harry closely following behing me. When we got to the jeep I unlocked it and went inside. Harry strangely looked like he was about to double over in laughter. Even tears were coming out of his eyes.

"Whats so funny" I said starting the car

"This is YOUR car?" he said smiling


He started laughing and when I say laughing he started laughing like he saw someone trip in front of the car or something. "Sorry but I didn't think this was your car"

"What do you mean"

"I mean I didn't think you would drive something like this"

Wow that's SO funny. "At least I can drive" I mumbled

"Hey I heard that" he said looking at me "Oh and by the way I can drive I just gotta pass the test" I burst out laughing. Now this was something funny.

"You (laugh) failed (laugh) the (laugh) driving (laugh) test?"

"NOO the guy just didn't like me" he said obviously lying

"Whew ok we should be going now" My ribs were hurting so much from the laughter it was hard to speak

I was backing up when Louis decided to run and jump across the dashboard screaming carrots

"Is this boy crazy"


After Louis jumped across he came to Harry's window and tried to force himself in.

"Louis what are you doing" I asked. He didn't seem to notice me until now. He was wiggling himself  in the window trying to get in looking like a damn fool.

He looked up, "Ohh um..I was wondering..if you could get me some carrots since your going shopping" he said before  wiggling himself out of my window and running to the pool which he did infact jump in. Yes did that answer your question he did that all in his trunks.

"Ok? Let's go now for real before he comes back" I said

"Where we going to first?" Harry asked looking out the window

"Were going to the nearest phone store" I said while driving

"Excuse me miss but how much does this phone cost" I said pointing to an iPhone 4S I had the four but what did it matter.

"Six hundred dollars" the clerk said without looking up from her phone. Six hundred!! Where am I going to get that? I haven't even made two hundred yet.

"Oh I'm I guess I'll just keep looking" I said mumbling to myself. Sure I had money but you had to remember I just bought a car.

"Wait Emma I'll buy it for you if you want." Harry said pulling me out of my thoughts

"Uhhh No Harry That's ok plus it's expensive so..."

"Come on I make thousands so it's really nothing"

"No thanks"

"Just let me pay for it"

"Ok fine but I'm paying you back"

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