The Things That happen at the Poolside

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Chapter Four:

  “Hey Derek” I said with a wave. He was a very nice guy who had the looks if you asked me. I just never thought of him like that. To me he was always the older brother I never had.

“Ohmygosh Emma your back” Derek practically yelled out of excitement. “Yeah I am and this time I won’t be leaving in such a short time” I said with a smile. It was nice to know someone missed me after I had left last year.

“Really that’s nice. I get to spend more time with my little sis” he smiled knowingly. “Yeah”I replied. “Here’s your room key” he said handing me my card. “Oh ok thank you”I said

“Ohh and Emma” he said


“You have a gig at your usual spot at twelve thirty ok so don’t be late he told me. “Are you coming to watch” I asked him knowing the answer.

“I can’t I’m sorry I work until five but if you want we can go out later and we can catch up” he said with a smile.

“Yeah of course I will see you around six then” I said “Alright” he said and with that I walked out the main building and towards my villa.

I reached my little apartment thing and unlocked the door. I took a step inside and noticed nothing has changed since last year. It was a little too quiet for my liking but next week or so I will have a new roommate occupying the bedroom next to mine. I closed the door and went to my bedroom where I started unpacking my things.

After what seemed like hours I finished unpacking and changed into something more reasonable like shorts and a t-shirt. I slipped on my sandals and went to the patio located at the back of my little flat. I picked up my guitar and started playing.

It was twelve twenty when I decided to go to the pool and get ready. I picked up my guitar and walked to the main pool. It was a Saturday and everybody was out with their families having a good time. I smiled at the thought of how that used to be me and my family. I got ready and set everything I needed up. By the time I was ready it was twelve thirty.

“Hello everyone! How are you today? I’m Emma as you all know and I will be singing for you guys until one o’clock today and then followed by that there will be bingo in the main building. The first song I will be singing is a cover by Ed Sheeran, called ‘Homeless’. So enjoy! I said with enthusiasm as I slowly started the song while strumming my guitar.

"Could I wake up next to you when we're hitting double figures?

Look into your eyes like I'm looking into double mirrors

Could you make it any clearer

Everything's such a blur

It's not my turn it's hers to get hurt

On a late night

Coming home from way too many train rides

Lace not as red as my face

I'm home at the same time

Highbury estate's fine

Smoking like a dragon, but don't chase lines

I haven't slept for the past week

Two hours ain't enough for me

I feel inspired, at quarter to three am

I haven't changed since our last meet

I'm still getting all my meals for free

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