AU: You're His Adoptive Sister, and He Doesn't Like You

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AU: You're His Adoptive Sister, and He Doesn't Like You

Everything was fine until he showed up.
You had finally been adopted, and you even liked your new parents. They've been nothing but sweet to you, trying to help you assimilate into their lives comfortably, and after a week, you were beginning to feel like this place was home.
Well, apparently, their celebrity son didn't want you to feel that way.
The moment he saw you, his face fell as if he just opened a gift to find stinky, yellowed socks.
You tried to be amicable, saying, "Hello" whenever you passed by him or he entered the room. You said please and thank you when asking him to pass the salt at the dinner table. Hell, you even bought him a new shirt from Jack Wills when you went shopping with Gemma last weekend.
You found it in the attic a few days later, in a box labeled "Garage Sale."
So, now, you were going to confront him about it. It was obvious that he had a problem with you, and because you were now brother and sister, you thought you should approach him and try to solve it.
You knocked on his old bedroom door, where he stays whenever he visits, and it opened instantly.
Your elder brother stood there, with nothing but his briefs on, and when he saw you, his face visibly changed to disgust.
"'s you," he leaned on the door frame. "What do you want?"
"To talk," you whispered, feeling a bit intimidated by him.
"About?" he arched a brown eyebrow.
"Our relationship," you replied, avoiding his gaze, "or lack thereof."
He remained silent but stepped aside to let you into his unkempt room. You couldn't see the floor; it was covered in clothing, some you sure weren't clean, and his bed lay unmade, his comforter spilling onto the floor.
"Take a seat," he said, closing the door behind you.
Where? There was no place to sit!
He gestured towards the bed, "There."
Deciding it was in your best interest, considering you were here on a peace mission, to do as he said, you pushed aside some of the clothes that were thrown on his bed and made a place for yourself.
"So...speak," he commanded, muting the volume on the Telly.
"Look, I know we aren't related by blood and all, but I really want to try to be a family with you. I mean, I tried being a good sister; I never did anything-correct me if you think I'm wrong-to make you despise me the way you do," you began, trying to keep yourself from shaking from pure nervousness. "I just want to know what it will take to make you see me as your sis-"
"Stop right there, and listen," Harry said, frowning. "You're right. You did nothing wrong, and we aren't related by blood. Therefore, we can never be brother and sister."
You tried not to cry at his heartfelt rejection, "But...can't we at least get along?"
He shrugged, "I guess, but don't expect me to accept you as quickly as everyone else did. Gemma may see you as a sister, but I never will. Got that?"
Why was he being so cruel? From what you heard, Harry was a complete gentlemen with women.
You looked down at your lap, feeling a drop roll down your cheek. You moved your hand to wipe it away before saying, "Can't we at least be friends?"
Harry let out a sigh, "I'll be nicer to you, if that's what you want, but I'm too busy to get involved with some girl my parents brought home, thinking she could just be a part of this family. So don't expect me to spend time with you and stuff like that. I'll talk to you...I'll be polite, but that's it."
"Fine," you growled, getting up from his bed and heading for the door.
You kept your head down, fearing he would notice your tears, but from what you had seen, you honestly didn't think he'd care.

Growing up as a little girl with two elder sisters and an elder brother was, honestly, the best way to grow up. Your sisters were like your mentors, teaching you everything you needed to know from boys to puberty, and your brother was your protector, always there to cheer you up or to look for the monsters under the bed.
Unfortunately, you didn't have that life, growing up.
You had three older siblings, two sisters and a brother, but the age gap between you and your two elder sisters was too great. Instead of teaching you everything you need to know about being a woman, they often left you in the dust.
They didn't mean to, and they weren't always ignoring you; they just had better things to do than sit home with their baby sister. When they did, though, it was great. You'd paint each others' nails and do each others' make-up. You'd sit up until three in the morning, watching chick flicks, and when one of you had gotten their heart broken, the other two would bring home pints of ice cream, one for each of them and two for the one who needed it most.
You loved your sisters, and it was always a treat when they came home from university to see you. However, your brother was another matter. You didn't like it when he came home from tour because he hated you.
Yes, hated you.
You pointed it out to your mother and father quite a few times, but they told you that that was just how brothers were.
But you knew he didn't love you.
The age difference between you and your brother was not as vast as the one between you and your sisters, so your parents often pushed you two together.
When you were younger, you two shared a bedroom, which was absolutely horrible. He would always worry you at night, climbing down from his top bunk and making noises to scare you. He also broke your things. You remember coming home from school one day to find your dolls had all visited Liam's Hair Salon and Tattoo Parlor. You had never cried as hard as you did that day.
It was different, now, though. As you got older, Liam stopped vandalizing your things, especially after you got your own room, and he stopped trying to scare you. Instead, he just ignored you, pretending like you didn't exist, and it got worse as time went on.
In fact, he was doing it right now.
"Liam," you called from the couch.
He didn't react to his name or your voice. He just continued to watch the horror movie on the Telly, waiting for the dumb teenage boy to get killed by his possessed girlfriend.
"Liam!" you shouted.
"What?" he finally answered, but his brown eyes didn't even glance your way.
"Can we please change this? You know I don't like horror movies," you asked politely, despite how pissed off you were at him.
"And I don't like you, but I can't do much about that since Mum and Dad decided to adopt you," he hissed.
You were adopted?
"Jeez...Have you gone deaf while I was away?" Liam asked, looking over his shoulder at you. "I said-"
"I heard what you said, but do you honestly expect me to believe you?" you shook your head at him. "I'm not adopted."
" Mum and Dad haven't told you yet..." he turned back to the movie. "They always did baby you."
"What is your problem?" you got to your feet. "In all my days, I have never done a single thing that hurt you. I'm polite to you, and I try to get passed all this hatred you have for me...But it never works!"
Liam just gave you a blank stare, "Y/N, I've hated you since the day Mum and Dad brought you home from that orphanage. There's nothing you can do to change that."
After those statements, you couldn't hold back the tears any longer.

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