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"Luke, I've been seeing somebody else."

I choke on the air, but still get the question that is haunting me.

"F-For how long?" I struggle for a breath.

"Almost a year and a half." I quickly look at Sydney and then down again.

"Its nice to know you could move on so quickly." I mutter under my breath so she cant hear.

"G-Good for you." I flash her a fake smile.

Of course i don't own her or anything, but how could she just...... Move on?

I gulp.

"Where is your boyfriend?" I ask her and she almost smiles.

"He will be here next week." She smiles and i can tell that she loves him. I nod.

"Let's go back to the hotel, yeah?" I ask and she nods.

On the way back to my car, we don't hold hands, we don't even acknowledge each other. My mind is running wild just thinking about Sydney with somebody else.


I walk out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my waist, i run my hands through my wet hair and smile. I find Sydney on the large sofa, sprawled out.

I smile and walk over to her very quietly and i poke her sides from behind and she screams and turns around and looks at me.

"Luke!" We burst into laughter and i notice Madison staring at my almost naked body. She quickly looks away, realizing she has been caught.

"Uh you can go take your shower now..." I change the subject and Sydney nods.

"Can you help me up?" She puts up her arms, still lying on the couch.

I come around the couch and grab her warm hands. Instead of pulling her up, i reach down and pick her up. She grabs onto me and i carry her to the bathroom, trying to ignore the burning sensation in my chest.

I place her on the luxurious countertop and she blushes, looking away.

I wish i could just kiss you Sydney.

I smile and kiss her cheek gently and leave.


I lie on the California King sized bed with my eyes closed and my hands behind my head.

The T.V. Is just a background noise as my mind runs wild once again.

"And I'm stuck in the friend zone again and again." I sing a lyric from 'Heartbreak Girl' that really explains my life at the moment.

"I bite my tongue, but i wanna scream out, Can you be with me now?" I continue singing other lyrics.

"He treats you so bad, I'm so good to you it's not fair."

"I've got to get it through your head that you belong with me instead."

I sigh and shake my head in frustration.

I open my eyes to find Sydney staring at me with an emotion i cannot seem to know. I quickly get up.

"Eerm, uh, sorry." I fidget with my fingers, embarrassed because i know she heard what I was singing.

"You can take the bed, i will sleep on the couch." I tell Sydney as i grab a pillow from the bed and i am about to leave the room when Sydney finally speaks.

Because Your Not Luke Hemmings | discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now